it might look nice when things are arranged so that in case both a linebreak occurs right before the first em-dash, and the entire string denoting the faculty fits on a single line on its own. an em-dash is appended behind \getFaculty{} so that the faculty-string is n...
Below you find the code, and I also provide an overleaf view-only link. This past question is also related, but using \twocolumn[{% as suggested breaks usage later on (it forces a page break, so you need to go back to figure* a-posteriori). I have also tried to fiddle with \F...
A recent tranche of writing by several prominent members of the trans and queer feminist gaming community has renewed my faith in that idea– with the overleaf of the year we suddenly find a great deal of penetrating insight into activist discourse and the risks incurred by our silence about c...
{threeparttable} \pagebreak \begin{threeparttable} \phantom{ }\\ \textbf{Panel C: Five-year subperiods}\\ Describe Panel C \centering\fontsize{8}{10}\selectfont \begin{tabular}{>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{4.1cm}>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{2cm}>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{...
I've explored some existing solutions on various forums, but none of them seem to meet my requirements: The method mentioned here involves using a box, which prevents the content from breaking across pages. The solution in this post does allow content to break across pages, but it introduces...
I'm trying to use the paracol package from a overleaf template to make a CV. I can't seem to get the column color to fill on the second page, not sure what I'm doing wrong here. Below is an image displaying the issue and the MWE to produce it. After the break between page 1 ...
But now Section4 is sent to a new page while it could fit below the section3 (on the same page). Here is an overleaf link of the code below : \documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{needspace} ...
I have been trying for a few days now to fix this table in my Overleaf file. The multirows are extending past the page, and some of the cells are overlapping. There also seems to be a break in a \cline. \documentclass[acmsmall, anonymous=true]{acmart} \usepackage{multirow} \usepac...
I'd like the footnote to be on the first page but it appears on the second one even when there's clearly enough space on the first one. I'm using TeX Live 2020.57066 on Arch Linux. Also reproduced on overleaf using pdfLatex and texlive version 2020 (currently the defaul...