I am currently using this thesis template: https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/iit-bombay-unofficial-latex-ph-dot-d-thesis-template/fybkvhqjqqsf . In the appendix, for some reason, it creates sometimes empty pages. For example: \section{A} \subsection{A.1.} \begin{table}[H] \cent...
\pagestyle{empty} If we want a page with no headers or footers except for a simple page number at the bottom we would use the keywordplain. However you need to be aware that using this command changes the page style for all the pages following the command. Therefore we need to turn th...
In LaTeX, the default format of a document’s headers and footers are determined by the page style being used. Several predefined page styles are provided by LaTeX: empty: no headers or footers on pages plain: no page headers, footers consist of a centered page number headings: no footers,...
As it turns out, those blank pages have a purpose. The default setting for many books (and many thesis templates) is two-sided, with each chapter opening on a right-hand-side page. To get rid of these empty pages, just add the oneside option (or alternatively, the openany option) ...
{ month "month" bibinfo.check duplicate$ empty$ year "year" bibinfo.check duplicate$ empty$ { swap$ 'skip$ { this.to.prev.status this.status.std cap.status.std "there's a month but no year in " cite$ * warning$ } if$ * } { this.to.prev.status this.status.std cap.status....
You can find dcu.bst in your TeX system and copy it in a file called dcu-mod.bst in the same directory as your main file. Now edit the new file so that the line FUNCTION {format.vol.num.pages} { volume embolden field.or.null number empty$ to FUNCTION {format.vol.num.pag...