Calculation of Paediatric Drug DosesCreative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. The Journal of Clinical Audit Ltd. is a UK registered Company, No. 07316768.Bakshi, DinkarAfzal, RifatMathew, Satheesh...
In this context, AI has the ability to accelerate drug discovery by predicting drug efficacy, identifying potential drug candidates and optimizing clinical trial designs, thus contributing to personalized medicine. Algorithms analyse biological data to find patterns that lead to the creation of new drug...
Material and Method: During May 2003, weight and size (BMI calculation) and BP were measured to all of the 1st grade primary school children of 6 schools of Colina, within the frame of the School Health program. The measurements were performed in accordance with the respective technical ...
Prospective, longitudinal patient outcome registries have also been proposed as an effective means to address the increasing demand for data on patient-related benefits of medical devices by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) [28, 29]. As a step towards generating a consistently ...
Calculation of paediatric emergency drug volumes under pressure - A multi-centred prospective observational studyC., WilsonL., LeeN., TamM., Davison
This is mainly due to the loss of respiratory events associated with arousals rather than desaturation, and to the calculation of AHI using as denominator the TRT. In laboratory RP, an accurate estimate of actual sleep time can be obtained by the presence of a sleep technician and concurrent ...
[42]. This tool is a precision-based calculator that obtains the sample size with different reference values (absolute or relative differences, correlation or diagnostic measures). The sample size calculation was conducted with mean difference value. The necessary data were extracted from the ...