class PaddleOCR(predict_system.TextSystem): NameError: name 'predict_system' is not defined 加了import可以运行了 不知道需不需要改
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib <Figure size 720x720 with 1 Axes> 1.3. 测试单张图像 下面开始调用tools/infer/ 完成图像文本识别,共需要传入三个参数: image_dir: 指定要测试的图像 det_model_dir: 指定轻量检测模型的inference model rec_model_dir: 指定...
y_predict = paddle.layer.fc(input=x,size=1,act=paddle.activation.Linear()) # Data layer y ='y', type=paddle.data_type.dense_vector(1)) # sum of square error cost: # # 参数: # # name (basestring) – The name of this layer. It is optional. # input (...
识别地址就是http:// 测试没问题,到这里运行镜像就构建好了 最后将容器内无用文件删除,减小容器的体积 rm -rf /root/.cache/* \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \ && rm -rf /app/test/pg/* 保存并推送到对应厂商的容器镜像仓库 ...
python tools/ ./doc/imgs/ Returned result format The returned result is a list. Each item in the list is a dict. The dict may contain three fields. The information is as follows: field namedata typedescription text str text con...
visualize:Whether to visualize the results, the default value is False output:The floder to save Visualization result, default value is ./hubserving_result Eg. python tools/ --server_url= --image_dir=./doc/imgs/ --visualize=false`...
识别地址就是 测试没问题,到这里运行镜像就构建好了 最后将容器内无用文件删除,减小容器的体积 rm -rf /root/.cache/* \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \ && rm -rf /app/test/pg/* 保存并推送到对应厂商的容器镜像仓库 这里以阿里云容器镜像仓库作为...
python3 tools/infer/ --image_dir="./1.jpg" --det_model_dir="./inference/ch_ppocr_server_v2.0_det_infer/" --rec_model_dir="./inference/ch_ppocr_server_v2.0_rec_infer/" --cls_model_dir='./inference/ch_ppocr_mobile_v2.0_cls_infer/' --use_angle_cls=True --...
total predict time is 18.5361s, 18.6993s, 19.1258s, 20.4289s i7-9700k看起来,cpu_math_library_num_threads可以提升一些性能。 以下是我的复现流程,你可以参考下哈 git clone cd PaddleOCR rem convert checkpoint to inference model rem
visualize:Whether to visualize the results, the default value is False output:The floder to save Visualization result, default value is./hubserving_result Eg. python tools/ --server_url= --image_dir=./doc/imgs/ --visualize=false` ...