--print 打印目标而不是执行操作-r,--root <路径> 指定另外的安装根目录-v,--verbose 显示详细信息--arch <架构> 设定另外的架构--asdeps 作为非单独指定安装的软件包安装--asexplicit 作为单独指定安装的软件包安装--assume-installed <package=version>添加一个虚拟包用以满足依赖要求--cache...
5. List files owned by a package: # pacman --query --list {{package_name}} 6. List orphan packages (installed as dependencies but not required by any package): # pacman --query --unrequired --deps --quiet 7. List installed packages not found in the repositories: # pacman --query...
$ pacman --query --info [package] List files owned by a package $ pacman --query --list [package] List orphan packages (installed as dependencies but not required by any package) $ pacman --query --unrequired --deps --quiet List installed packages not found in the repositories $ pac...
clean removal: pacman has a list of every file in a package; this way, no files are unintentionally left behind when you decide to remove a package. Note: Packages often haveoptional dependencieswhich are packages that provide additional functionality to the application but not strictly required ...
➔pacman -Sw package_name包名:只下载包,不安装。 ➔pacman -Sc:清理未安装的包文件,包文件位于 /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ 目录。 ➔pacman -Scc:清理所有的缓存文件 获取所有软件包: pacman -Sl 1. MSYS2 安装所有软件包(跳过已安装的软件包): ...
List all files owned by a given package. Multiple packages can be specified on the command line. -m, --foreign Restrict or filter output to packages that were not found in the sync database(s). Typically these are packages that were downloaded manually and installed with--upgrade. ...
Print the contents of all files ending in '.conf' from both the pacman and mkinitcpio packages. paccat ~/pkgs/my-pkg-1.0.0-1.pkg.tar.zst myfile Print the contents of 'myfile' from a package tarball. paccat https://archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/git/download git-blame.1.gz ...
5. List files owned by a package: # pacman --query --list {{package_name}} 6. List orphan packages (installed as dependencies but not required by any package): # pacman --query --unrequired --deps --quiet 7. List installed packages not found in the repositories: ...
This can be useful when you don’t want part of a package to be installed. For example, if your httpd root uses an index.php, then you would not want the index.html file to be extracted from the apache package. These files refer to files in the package archive, so do not include ...
package_dependencies & dependsOnPkgs 包依赖或反向依赖 p_exists available.packages & list.files + .libPaths 检查包是否存在于本地或者是CRAN p_functions loadNamespace + getNamespaceExports 包函数 p_help help HTML/PDF Manuals查看 p_information packageDescription 包信息 p_interactive NONE 交互式搜索包 ...