error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies):: installing x265 (2.8-1) breaks dependency '' required by ffmpeg2.8[would@one ~]$ sudo pacman -Rdd ffmpegerror: target not found: ffmpeg[would@one ~]$ sudo pacman -Rdd ffmpeg2.8Packages (1) ffmpeg...
Manjaro的软件不是很多吗?为什么我安装的时候总是提示target not found? SamLukeYes 软件开发行业 从业人员 那些新手教程会推荐你添加archlinuxcn软件源,你应该是漏了这一步。但我不建议你直接用这个源,能用AUR解决问题的话就用AUR。因为archl…
安装时无法获取软件包 错误内容包含:Not found in sync db, Target not found 或 Failed retrieving file. 首先确认软件包确实存在(并注意错别字)。如果确认软件包存在,可能本地数据库过时了或者软件仓库没有配置好,试试 pacman -Syyu 强制数据库更新和升级。 也有可能包含该软件包的软件仓库没有启动。 例如,该...
pacman -S $(pacman -Ssq package_regex)有时候在不同的软件仓库中,⼀个软件包有多个版本(⽐如[extra]和[testing]):(就是指定包的精确位置) pacman -S extra/package_name 安装多个含有相似名称的软件包,⽽并⾮整个包组或全部匹配的软件包: pacman -S plasma-{desktop,mediacenter,...
Description / Steps to reproduce the issue Installed msys2-x86_64_20230718.exe on a clean Windows 10 machine. pacman -S libelf and pacman -S libelf-devel give a target not found error. However, I can download the libelf and libelf-devel ...
Found dependency sokol-d 0.1.1 Generating using build Configuring dependent pacman-d, deps: Starting Performing "debug" build using ldc2 for x86_64. Target '/home/kassane/.dub/cache/pacman-d/~main/build/application-debug-uoJiaUxVVoeoAvGIMeNhoQ/pacman-d' doesn't exist, need rebuild. ...
To remove a package, its dependencies and all the packages that depend on the target package: Warning:This operation is recursive, and must be used with care since it can remove many potentially needed packages. # pacman -Rscpackage_name ...
archlinuxfr.db' error: could not open file /var/lib/pacman/sync/unsupported.db: Failed to open '/var/lib/pacman/sync/unsupported.db' error: could not open file /var/lib/pacman/sync/unstable.db: Failed to open '/var/lib/pacman/sync/unstable.db' error: target not found: 解决:pac...
The default is /var/cache/pacman/pkg/. Multiple cache directories can be specified, and they are tried in the order they are listed in the config file. If a file is not found in any cache directory, it will be downloaded to the first cache directory with write access.NOTE: this is ...