unable to locate package python 文心快码BaiduComate 当你在尝试安装Python时遇到“unable to locate package python”的错误,这通常意味着你的包管理器无法在其软件仓库中找到名为“python”的包。这可能是由几个原因造成的,以下是一些可能的解决步骤,我会根据你的操作系统类型来分别说明: 1. 确认操作系统及其版本...
By default, Arch Linux uses pacman as its package manager, so dpkg and other Debian package-related tools are not there, you would need to install them externally. And I see, glad I could help to pinpoint that bug, for now I'll tell the AUR package maintainer to include the workaroun...
Description I've been having troubles trying to get VimTex + nvim-cmp + cmp-omni to work well in Lua, and have been reading everything I can find to try to sort out the problem. I've followed the VimTex help docs and believe that I have ...