打开Packet Tracer并创建一个新拓扑图: 启动Packet Tracer软件。 点击“File”菜单,选择“New Topology”以创建一个新的拓扑图。 在拓扑图中添加交换机和路由器设备: 从设备列表中拖拽一个交换机(例如,Switch 2960)到拓扑图的工作区。 同样地,从设备列表中拖拽一个路由器(例如,Router 2811)到拓扑图的工作区。
Switch(dhcp-config)#network Switch(dhcp-config)#default-router Switch(dhcp-config)#dns-server Switch(dhcp-config)#exit Switch(config)#ip dhcp excluded-address Switch(config)#ip dhcp excluded-address
Switch(config-if)#exit 先给VLAN1配置一个DHCP,以便我们的PC2能够自动获取IP地址: Switch(config)#ip dhcp pool dhcp Switch(dhcp-config)#network Switch(dhcp-config)#default-router Switch(dhcp-config)#dns-server Switch(config)#ip dhcp excluded-address...
Connect IP Phone 2 to SwitchA and power the phone ON using the power adapter (Physical tab). RouterA(config)#ephone-dn 2 #Defining the first directory entry# RouterA(config-ephone-dn)#number 54002 #Assign the phone number to this entry# Task 7 : Verify the configuration Ensure that the...
switchport是将接口配置为2层口,你在vlan接口里显然用不了这个命令。批量配置端口可以用range关键字,int range f0/1 - 10
【实验设备】交换机、Console线,Packet Tracer 仿真软件及软件中的交换机和PC等设备。 步骤: 从实验任务的第四步起,使用pt平台,搭建如下结构 进入全局配置 初始设置:名称、密码、密码加密、访问消息提示 配置虚拟接口 检测接口配置 总结: 1、初始化配置主要在控制台进行,包括以下几个操作 设备名称 Switch(config)...
Cisco Packet Tracer入门篇-CSDN博客 https;//blog.csdn.net/w14768855/article/details/129087566 进入特权模式 结构拓扑简图 1. 绘制网络拓扑图 网络拓扑图1 2.配置网络端口 2.1交换机互连端口,改trunk模式 依此打开二层交换机Switch1、Switch2,三层交换机Switch0:—Config,找到连接二三层交换机的端口(FastEthernet...
Connection and packet flow from Packet Tracer 7.0 are working properly and have been validated with a fully functionnal ICMP test between Cisco Packet Tracer and a router located in the physical network.. However, practical work using telnet to configure a Packet Tracer switch reveals to be quite...
Maybe what you are looking for, is to have a switch instead of the server? Or a router, if the PCs belong to different broadcast domains. Thank you. Marin Grabovschi Ali Dena Level 1 In response tomgrabovs Options 08-05-202101:12 PM ...
yes, if u want to use L2 switch only, use a router on a stick, must use ROAS.if you want to use l3 switch, you can do it with SVI , aka interface vlan x , for so called inter-vlan routing on L3 switchDHCP in PT can be set up on router or Server. However, I think DHCP ...