按照这些步骤操作后,通常可以解决package natbib warning: author undefined for citation的警告问题。如果问题依旧存在,可能需要更详细地检查你的LaTeX文档和.bib文件,或者考虑是否存在其他潜在的问题。
PackagenatbibWarning: Citation `xxxxx'onpage y undefinedoninputlinez. 解决方法: pdflatextest#使用pdflatex compilebibtextest#使用bibtex compilepdflatextestpdflatextest 2017.7.22 To improve is to change, to be perfect is to change often.
I encountered a similar error when attempting to use the ‘spmpsci.bst’ bibliography style alongside ‘natbib.’ It was perplexing because natbib typically defaults to an author-year citation style, while ‘spmpsci.bst’ follows a numeric format. To resolve this unexpected error, I made ...
I get: Package natbib Warning: Citation `abbottReference2010' on page 1 undefined on i nput line 63. My bib file is generated via biblatex: @book{abbottReference2010, title = {Reference}, author = {Abbott, Barbara}, date = {2010}, publisher = {{Oxford University Press}}, location = ...
今天遇到了一个十分新奇的latex的bug。折腾很长时间也只能弄清大致成因。主要就是在.bib文件中加入引用时,要慎重。有些引用条目造成reference无法生成。 PackagenatbibWarning: Citation `box2015time'onpage2undefinedoninputline217.PackagenatbibWarning: Citation `DBLP:journals/ijon/Zhang03'onpage2undefinedoninputli...
Package natbib warning: There were undefined citations I am using windows, MiXTeX 2.9, TeXnic center, and JabRef. I have looked at the bib file that JabRef generates and the citation information is in the file. The citations I had in previously still compile ok and can be entered in ...
Package natbib Warning: Citation `chierchiaLogicGrammarPolarity2013' on page 2 undefined on input line 65. [2] Package natbib Warning: Citation `arreguiCualquierExceptionPhrases2006' on page 3 undefined on input line 93. Entries of my bibfile (generated with zotero via better bibtex...