You can switch this off with the options uniquename=false and uniquelist=false: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[backend = biber, style = authoryear, citestyle = authoryear-comp, natbib = true, sorting = nyt, isbn = false, url = false, eprint = false, date = yea...
I looked into the documentation of certain bibliography-related programs and packages I typically use (bibtex, biblatex, natbib, biber, multibib) but failed to find any reference to “mon”. biblatex bibtex natbib biber multibib Share Improve this question Follow edited Feb 29 at 22:38 a...
I suggest you switch from using the cite citation management package and the unsrt bibliography style to the natbib citation management package and the unsrtnat bibliography style. You should also load the url (or, better yet, the xurl) package -- as well as the hyperref package if you want...
“Missing-data imputation”, Jason Osborne, “Notes on the use of data transformations”,Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation 8(8):2002, ...
So I have a paper accepted to a journal, and the editor emails me saying that they're ready to publish it, I just need to fix the format of the references slightly. Up to this point, I've casually been using natbib and \bibliographystyle{unsrt}. So I look at their author guidelines...