Gradle error: package does not exist Gradle로 멀티 모듈 프로젝트를 구성해서 스프링부트 애플리케이션끼리 compile 의존 관계를 만들어 사용하다보면, 물리적으로 분명히 존재하고 CLI에...
Clean and rebuild: If you’re using a build tool like Maven or Gradle, try running thecleantask to remove any compiled files, and then run thebuildtask to rebuild the project. This can sometimes fix the “package does not exist” error if it’s caused by a build issue. Check for miss...
I'm a fairly new user (a couple of months of experience with the program) and I ran into a strange problem: The compiler suddenly started throwing a "package does not exist" error on each and every "import" statement in my project. This naturally led to more errors about symbo...
gradle compileJava 错误 : package org. junit 不存在 我正在尝试使用 gradle 实现一个简单的 junit 测试,并在运行时遇到以下问题gradle test: :compileJava /Users/wogsland/Projects/gradling/src/test/ error: package org.junit does not exist...
我试图使用jpackage从我的Gradle + JavaFX项目中创建一个安装程序,但出现了以下错误: Execution failed for task ':jpackageImage'. > /home/jonander/.gradle/daemon/6.8/null/bin/jpackage does not exist.这是我的 module Seft 浏览162提问于2021-08-16得票数 0 2回答 使用MySQL + j...
针对你提出的问题“error: package org.junit does not exist”,这里有几个可能的解决方案,你可以按照以下步骤逐一尝试: 确认项目中是否已正确添加JUnit依赖: 如果你使用的是Maven或Gradle这样的构建工具,确保你的pom.xml(对于Maven)或build.gradle(对于Gradle)文件中已经包含了JUnit的依赖。例如,对于Maven,你的pom...
Hi,I could not download the file from the link. Can you please attach it here again:, it'll be appreciated if you can capture a screenshot for showing which class were your trying to recompile and which package does not exist.Thank you,...
Error:(13, 9) error: cannot find symbol method assertEquals(int,int) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2、解决办法 原因是没有找到org.junit这个包,这个包的位置在Android studio 目录下 gradle\gradle-2.10\lib\plugins\junit-4.12.jar 把这个包复制到项目APP的libs目录下即可...
导入项目的时候gradle报错 error: package org.apache.http does not exist 解决方法: 在build.gradle中加入 android { useLibrary 'org.apache.http.legacy' }