project with path ‘:unimodules-core’ could not be found in project android的settting.gradle添加配置如下 include ‘:unimodules-core’ project(’:unimodules-core’).projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, ‘…/node_modules/@unimodules/core/android’) Error:Execution failed for task ‘:app:c...
针对您提出的“project with path '' could not be found in root project 'gradle'”问题,我们可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 1. 确认''模块是否存在于项目中 首先,您需要确认项目中是否确实存在名为unitylibrary的模块。检查项目的文件结构,查看是否有与unitylibrary相对应的目录和文件,特别是该模块下的build....
gradle配置错误和解决方案如下 project with path ‘:unimodules-core’ could not be found in project android的settting.gradle添加配置如下 include ‘:unimodules-core’ project(’:unimodules-core’).projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, ‘…/node_modules/@unimodules/core/andr ...
然后,你可以通过运行./gradlew myCustomTask(在命令行中)或在Android Studio的Gradle窗口中点击myCustomTask来执行这个任务。总之,当你遇到’Task xxx not found in root project xxx’错误时,首先要检查任务名称是否正确,然后确认你在正确的模块中查找任务,并确保Gradle项目已经同步。如果问题仍然存在,你可能需要查看bu...
FAILURE:Build failedwithan exception.*What went wrong:Project'h2c-java-client'not foundinroot project'h2c-java-client'.*Try:Runwith--stacktrace option togetthe stack trace.Runwith--info or--debug option togetmore log output.Runwith--scan togetfull insights.*Get more help at https://help...
在使用gradle 命令进行构建打包失败,提示“Task‘gradle’ not found in root project 'android_app'” Jenkins或者mac本地 在使用gradle命令进行构建打包失败,提示“Task‘gradle’ not found in root project 'android_app'” 原因:打包的源码不是使用gradle进行构建的...
The error could be caused not only by the certificate. The same error occurs due to incompatibility between Gradle 4.4 and JDK 11. So, please check the exact error thrown by Gradle. Clear idea.log and build.log files, execute build task and receive the error i...
It first started when I tried to make a LibGDX project. It's worth noting that while this issue occurs in IntelliJ, it's not isolated to IntelliJ. The LibGDX setup utility gave the same error (with a slightly different version of listed). Now, I can't create ANY new Java...
below). What's weird is that the cause seems to be: "Task with path 'publishMainJarPublicationToMavenLocal' not found in project ':impl'". However, I'm able to run "publishMainJarPublicationToMavenLocal" just fine, so this taskdo exist. This could be bug in Gradle or in bintray ...
You could get in a situation where loading a project using Gradle 1.5 requires Studio 1.5 but this really shouldn't happen often if at all (hopefully). On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 2:44 PM, Traun Leyden <>