.lintr Disable some linters in data-raw Sep 5, 2023 DESCRIPTION Bump version Sep 26, 2024 LICENSE First commit Sep 5, 2020 LICENSE.md First commit Sep 5, 2020 NAMESPACE Create age_df_countries function Feb 18, 2021 NEWS.md Document age group breaking change Dec 6, 2024 README.Rmd Fix...
Supposons que vous activez la case à cocher Ignorer le Proxy pour les adresses locales dans Internet Explorer. Lorsque vous vous connectez à une boîte aux lettres sur Office 365 dans Outlook 2013, la connexion prend plus de temps que prév...
The core method implemented by estimateR is an improved version of the methodology developed for COVID-19 by Huisman et al. [18]. A full description of the method implemented in estimateR is provided in “Appendix A” section. In brief, this method consists of 4 separate steps chained ...
Thus all the interesting stuff in this package is in thesrcdirectory of the package, which contains the files m.cBLAS examples i.cLAPACK examples (also more BLAS) Makevarswhich setsPKG_LIBS Everything else is just junk that surrounds this with an R package so it can get exercised. The exa...
The R package NbClust has been developed for that purpose. It provides 30 indices which determine the number of clusters in a data set and it offers also the best clustering scheme from different results to the user. In addition, it provides a function to perform k-means and hierarchical ...
The following example uses the R functioninstalled.packages()in a Transact-SQL stored procedure to display a list of R packages that have been installed in the R_SERVICES library for the current SQL instance. This script returns package name and version fields in the DESCRIPTION file. ...
11. Aridol Bronchial Challenge Test Kit Description D-mannitol (referred to throughout as mannitol), the active ingredient in ARIDOL is a hexahydric alcohol, that is a sugar alcohol, with the following chemical name (2R,3R,4R,5R)-hexane-1,2,3,4,5,6-hexol and chemical structure: Man...
11. Donepezil Description Donepezil hydrochloride USP is a reversible inhibitor of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, known chemically as (±)-2, 3-dihydro-5, 6-dimethoxy-2-[[1-(phenylmethyl)-4-piperidinyl]methyl]-1H-inden-1-one hydrochloride. Donepezil hydrochloride is commonly referred to in the...
"version": "0.0.0", "description": "TagSpaces Core Repository", "keywords": [ "electron", "react", "tagging", "file-manager" ], "homepage": "https://www.tagspaces.org", "bugs": { "url": "https://github.com/tagspaces/tagspaces/issues" ...
Table 1. R code for constructing the model and organizing data. For the model fitted in lavaan, any wrapper function can be used. lavaan by default sets estimator = “ML”. Researchers should not change this default, as the other options are not currently supported by regsem. When there...