A pacemaker which is provided with an improved automatic regulation circuit which is capable of distinguishing between a fashion beat and loss of capture. The failure to sense an evoked potential following a stimulus may be due to either. The cause is determined by generating a high-energy back...
Pacemaker complicationscan be categorized as failure to pace, failure to capture, failure to sense, and inappropriate rate (tachyarrhythmias). Failure to sense is the most common cause ofpacemakermalfunction. Failure to pace is usually due to oversensing. Magnet application converts the pacemaker to...
Failure to capture (despite pacer spike) Pacemaker spike present without ensuing QRS Complex May indicate lead Fracture or dislodgement, or malfunction central to the device Lead displacement is the most common cause and typically occurs in first month Other causes include cardiac ischemia or infarctio...
Although the pacemaker may be functioning normally, in that it is behaving properly with respect to its programmed parameters, failure to capture or properly sense would not be diagnosed from the various diagrams and markers without the simultaneously recorded surface ECG.27 Laddergramming has become...
Monitor for signs of failure to sense the patient’s own rhythm, and correct the problem. Potential causes are lead dislodgement, battery failure, low, sensitivity, wire fracture, or improper placement of the catheter. Check the patient forlow blood sugarlevels, and use glucocorticoids or sympath...
Health care professionals should ascertain the type of pacemaker employed and expectations for its function based on its NASPE/BPG code; monitor the cardiac rate and rhythm for evidence of pacemaker function; assess the patient for evidence of pacemaker failure or noncapture (vertigo, loss of consci...
A specific number of AS-VP (atrial sense–ventricular pace) intervals at the maximum tracking rate or a separate PMT detection rate Stability measurement of the A-V and/or V-A intervals during these AS-VP intervals Some algorithms modify the AV interval to rule out sinus tachycardia as a ca...
to survive. There were norandomized clinical trialsduring that era. However, clear benefits were inferred because of the known complications of untreatedbradyarrhythmias, including syncope,ventricular arrhythmias, heart failure, and death. As the technology advanced with the development of transvenous ...
failure or left bundle branch block who require biventricular pacing. The third wire passes through the coronary sinus and into a coronary vein to simulate the left ventricle transvenously. This configuration is commonly referred to asCardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT). Rarely additional leads ...
is sensed, the analysis module reduces the playback speed to facilitate study by an operator and activates a visual alarm. The conditions sensed include: failure-to-sense, failure-to-capture, and abnormal bradycardia. Inventors: Kelen, George J. (New York, NY) ...