Thus, an exact differentiation of the underlying rhythm, pacemaker rhythm, background and pacemaker-related arrhythmias or pacemaker dysfunctions (failure to sense; failure to output; failure to capture) is not possible. This seems however to be important since several investigators found that up to...
Failure to capture (despite pacer spike) Pacemaker spike present without ensuing QRS Complex May indicate lead Fracture or dislodgement, or malfunction central to the device Lead displacement is the most common cause and typically occurs in first month Other causes include cardiac ischemia or infarctio...
Pacemaker complicationscan be categorized as failure to pace, failure to capture, failure to sense, and inappropriate rate (tachyarrhythmias). Failure to sense is the most common cause ofpacemakermalfunction. Failure to pace is usually due to oversensing. ...
Electrical defibrillation was followed by severe nodal bradycardia and pacemaker malfunction characterized by loss of atrial capture. The pacemaker failure was due to an acute rise in the stimulation threshold, possibly secondary to current-induced tissue damage at the electrode-endomyocardial interface. ...
sensitive the pacemaker will be to the pt’s intrinsic rhythm. Failure to capture occurs when the output stimulus fails to depolarize the myocardium. Causes include lead disconnect or fracture, low battery, low output setting, or an increase in the ...
Unnecessary ventricular pacing increases the risk of atrial fibrillation and heart failure hospitalization. SafeR™ is an algorithm found in the current MicroPort dual chamber models and ensures 99.9% intrinsic conduction, significantly reducing unnecessary pacing. Safer™ reduces unneces...
Failure to Capture Failure to capture indicates that a pacing spike is present on the ECG without associated cardiac depolarization. Causes of failure to capture include high thresholds with an inadequately programmed output, pacemaker component failure, disconnection or dislodgment, impending battery deple...
Health care professionals should ascertain the type of pacemaker employed and expectations for its function based on its NASPE/BPG code; monitor the cardiac rate and rhythm for evidence of pacemaker function; assess the patient for evidence of pacemaker failure or noncapture (vertigo, loss of ...
Failure to capture lasted from 5 seconds to 30 minutes (mean 157 sec). In 15 patients the ventricular stimulation threshold was measured before and serially after cardioversion. A six-fold threshold increase was observed 3 minutes after the shock (P < 0.004) with gradual recovery to nearly ...
To date, all threshold tracking arrangements have been based upon a technique of determining when the output level has dropped below threshold, such that there is failure of capture. Consequently, pacemakers incorporating such techniques require that the patient go through a sequence where pacing is ...