Detect DNA modifications in your samples while you sequence on the PacBio platform Learn more Targeted sequencing Study relevant genome targets across any regions of interest Learn more Talk with an expert If you have a question, need to check the status of an order, or are interested in purch...
Interested in the Sequel IIe system? Please fill out the form and a representative will contact you.
illumina的SBS和PacBio的SBB之间的区别: Sequel long-read systems Sequel IIe 系统 Sequel II 系统 Sequel 系统 支持的 SMRT Cell SMRT Cell 8M SMRT Cell 8M SMRT Cell 1M 准确度 >99%* 的 HiFi reads 数量 多达 4,000,000 多达 4,000,000 多达...
PacBio的首席执行官Christian Henry表示:“新的Sequel IIe系统代表了我们技术的又一个进步,让HiFi数据可用于任何需要高准确度和长读长的基因组或转录组项目。在有HiFi测序之前,研究人员需要使用多种技术和复杂的分析方法,才能获得与HiFi数据相当的结果。借助Sequel IIe系统,现在可以直接生成HiFi数据,而科学家只需使用一...
NEWSWIRE) -- PacBio (Nasdaq: PACB), a leading developer of high-quality, highly accurate sequencing platforms, today announced Radboud University Medical Center (Radboudumc) in Nijmegen, the Netherlands will increase their SMRT sequencing capacity with the addition of two...
此后,PacBio又在2019年和2020年分别推出了Sequel II和Sequel IIe高通量测序仪,进一步提高了测序精确度,并且与多个项目和公司展开合作,如SolveRD项目、All Of Us项目等。 HiFi测序是所有PacBio长读测序仪器上运行的核心化学技术,是PacBio的科学家基于基因组分析中对长度和准确性的双重需求所开发,为基因组学研究提供了...
Launched the new Sequel IIe System, representing the next evolution in our sequencing platform. The system features significantly increased computational capacity and on-instrument data processing to generate PacBio HiFi reads more efficiently. The Sequel IIe system can reduce compute costs by 80% or ...
the Sequel IIe. The new sequencer will also integrate deep learning to detect DNA methylation, as well as DeepConsensus, Google Health’s deep learning platform, to improve yields and accuracy. The launch of both products received significant media attention and press coverage, driving new business...
值得一提的是,Revio 采用了先进的 NVIDIA GPU 系统,与 Sequel IIe 相比,计算能力提高了20倍。Revio还将与Google Health 开发的深度学习方法集成到测序仪中,以此提高 HiFi 的产量和测序准确性。 贝瑞基因联合研发三代桌面测序仪,落地多款三代产品 据了解,贝瑞基因在三代测序领域早已布局,主导过多项重磅科研,已落...
近日,PacBio公布了2021年第四季度和全年财务报告。PacBio 2021年第四季度的收入总额为3600万美元,同比增长33%;2021年全年收入1.305亿美元,同比增长65%。同时,PacBio宣布将进一步改进其测序技术,包括对Sequel II和IIe测序试剂盒和软件进行更新,并将拓展新的研究合作。