Antibodies bound to P-Selectina (PSGL-1) glycerol; including drug synthesis of anti-PSGL-1 antibodies; Pharmacopoeia kits; injection devices; and preparation of drugs for D using PSGL-1 antibodies or the synthesis of anti-PSGL-1 antibodies Inflammatory...
Rather than first prolonging (catching) and then shortening (slipping) bond lifetimes, increasing force monotonically shortened lifetimes of L-selectinA108H bonds with 2-GSP-6. When compared with microspheres bearing L-selectin, L-selectinA108H microspheres rolled more slowly and regularly on 2-GSP...
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Del Papa, N.; Cortiana, M.; Vitali, C.; Silvestris, I.; Maglione, W.; Comina, D.P.; Lucchi, T.; Cortelezzi, A. Simvastatin reduces endothelial activation and damage but is partially ineffective in inducing endothelial repair in systemic sclerosis. J. Rheumatol. 2008, 35, 1323–1328...
and the cooperation of human FucT-IV and -VII in conferring selectin binding activity to PSGL-1 in CHOdhfr– cells, because these cells, when co-transfected with C2GnT, FucT-IV, or -VII and PSGL-1 cDNAs, have the ability to generate ligands for the three selectins (26, 46, 58, 63...
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Select a language: ptomaine [ˈtəʊmeɪn] A.N→(p)tomaínaf B.CPDptomaine poisoningN→envenenamientom(p)tomaínico Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, ...