P-loop containing nucleotide triphosphate (NTP) hydrolases superfamily is massively duplicated and has the most different partner superfamilies among archaea, bacteria and eukarya. Here, we study the distributions of duplication and combination of p-loop containing NTP hydrolases superfamily in 169 ...
The structures of fully fledged catalytic sites of P-loop NTPases were selected among those PDB entries that matched the following criteria: (1) the entry is assigned to the InterPro record IPR027417 “P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase”; (2) contains an ATP/GTP molecule, or...
The tetraacyldisaccharide 4'-kinase (LpxK) of the diverse P-loopcontaining nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase superfamily catalyzes the sixth step in the biosynthetic pathway of lipid A, and is the only known P-loop kinase to act upon a lipid substrate at the membrane. Here, we report the ...
T he phosphate-binding loop (P-loop) is a conserved sequence motif found in the superfamily of P-loop nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases (P-loop NTPases)1. The P-loop, also known as the Walker A motif, has the consensus sequence GxxxxGK(S/T) and contributes to the binding of ...
Recent sequence-structure studies on P-loop-fold NTPases have substantially advanced the existing understanding of their evolution and functional diversity. These studies provide a framework for characterization of novel lineages within this fold and pre
The nucleoside triphosphate concentrations during the exponential growth phase were much lower than those found during the stationary phase. The nucleotide levels in the cls-1 mutant during the exponential phase were comparable to those observed in the wild-type and spo-1 mutant. However, the ...
Nucleoside triphosphate-nucleoside diphosphate transphosphorylase (nucleoside diphosphokinase). 3. Subunit structure of the crystalline enzyme from brewers... Nucleoside triphosphate-nucleoside diphosphate transphosphorylase (nucleoside diphosphokinase). 3. Subunit structure of the crystalline enzyme from brewers'...
货号:N-2037-1规格:1umole 品牌:Trilink价格:¥请咨询 产品分类:生化试剂研究领域:Nucleotides CAS编号:分子量: 分子式:别名: 储存条件:运输条件: 货期:3-4周应用: 说明书:备注: 产品描述 批量询价 选择产品名称货号规格品牌分类研究领域目录价操作
英文名称:ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 3|||HB6|||NTPDase-3|||CD39L3 英文同义词:ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 3|||HB6|||NTPDase-3|||CD39L3;ENTPD3 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His) CAS号: 分子式:
The human enzyme p97 regulates various cellular pathways by unfolding hundreds of protein substrates in an ATP-dependent manner, making it an essential component of protein homeostasis and an impactful pharmacological target. The hexameric complex underg