故提出了覆盖问题。覆盖问题又分为两类小问题:(1)集合覆盖问题(set covering problem);(2)最大...
假设给定了设施-需求之间的距离矩阵,照着上面的模型即可写出Leapms模型。 //===//The P-Median Problem//===min sum{j=1,...,J;i=1,...,I}h[i]d[i][j]y[i][j] subject to sum{j=1,...,J}y[i][j]=1|i=1,...,I y[i][j]-x[j]<=0|i=1,...,I...
p-中值法即p-median 问题,其研究目标函数是总的耗费最小。题目选取具有实际研究意义,求解何种规模数据...
p facilities 我觉得可以理解为P模型 或者可以理解原为的意思为:这类问题最简单的选址办法是p个facilities被选择做为@#$%^&*…… 因为P中值问题之所以被叫做P中值问题 就是其数学模型在建立时 将最终建立的设施节点总数设为p个p-median problem的意思就是P中值问题喽 ...
...(省略符)语法表示数据在外部初始化,即,通过数据文件 (pmedian.dat) 初始化。 P=2; Customers={"Albert","Bob","Chris","Daniel"}; Warehouses={"Santa Clara","San Jose","Berkeley"}; Demand=[100,80,80,70]; Distance= [[ 2 , 10 , 50 ], ...
[2] Herda M. Combined genetic algorithm for capacitated p-medianproblem[C]//IEEEInternationalSymposiumon Computational Intelligence and Informatics. IEEE, 2017.151-154. [3] Lorena L A N, Senne E L F. A column generation approach to capacitated p-median problems[J]. Computers&Operations Research...
The p-median model for solving the logistics center location problem is established and the fast solution of the model is realized by using Greedy Dropping Heuristic Algorithm. Combined with specific cases, a kind of actual location problem is solved to verify the correctness of the model and ...
基于p-中值模型的物流中心选址问题研究 Research on Logistics Center Location Problem Based on p-Median Model 针对物流中心选址问题,分析和比较了几种常用的选址方法和求解算法.建立了用于求解物流中心选址问题的p-中值模型,利用贪婪取走启发式算法(Greedy Dropping Heuristic A... 童旭,梁欢,郑丽娜,... 被引量:...
Research on Logistics Center Location Problem Based on p -Median Model Xu Tong, Huan Liang, Lina Zheng, Yanyan Wang, Rongyu Luo School of Mathematics and Statistics, Northeastern University at Qinhuangdao, Qinhuangdao Hebei Received: May 3rd , 2016; accepted: May 23rd , 2016; published: May ...
http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/aam.2016.52035 Research on Logistics Center Location Problem Based on p-Median Model Xu Tong, Huan Liang, Lina Zheng, Yanyan Wang, Rongyu Luo School of Mathematics and Statisti... 文档格式:PDF | 页数:6 | 浏览次数:854 | 上传日期:2016-06-04 19:12:31 | 文档...