p-中心问题与p-中位问题是两类基本的选址问题,在选址问题的研究中占有十分重要的地位。 p-center Problem and p-median Problem:A Survey;
P-中位问题(p-median problem)是解决选址的有效模型,其实际模型以及目标函数约束条件的含义如下: (4)结论与展望 通过实例分析看到,P-中位问题模型,对解决企业配送中心的开设与选址问题,有一定的参考价值和实际意义。但本模型仅仅以商品的需求量和送货距离为衡量指标,虽然在一定程度上能够反映运输成本以及客户响应度等...
[4]SENNE E L F,LORENA L A N.Lagrangean/surrogate heuristics for p-median problems[M]//LAGUNA M,GONZÁLEZ VELARDE J L.Computing Tools for Modeling,Optimization and Simulation.Boston:Springer,2000:115-130. [5]BELTRAN C,TADONKI C,VIAL J P.Solving the pmedian problem with a semi-lagrangi...
04. 003An Integrated Optimization Model of p-hub Median Problem and Service Facility ConfigurationWANG Yu, CHE Tong, ZHANG Pei-wen(School of Airport Engineering and Transportation Management, Civil Aviation Flight University of China,Guanghan 618307, China)Abstract: Traditional network design approach ...
problem. Key words p--Median;NP——Hard;heuristic methods 1 概述 选址问题在生产生活、物流、甚至军事中都有着非常广泛的应用,如工厂、仓库、急 救中心、消防站、垃圾处理中心、物流中心、导弹仓库的选址等。P一中位问题就是一种 很常见的选址问题,这类模型就是就是要在m个设施候选点中选择p0 ...
aHowever, its efficiency is strongly dependent on the location of the container terminals. In this paper, a set of estimated potential locations is used as input for an iterative procedure based on the p-hub median problem that takes the variation in trans-shipment costs according to the number...
以下理解是否正确: 假设项目总数为P,员工总数为N, 问题是求N/P的中位数。 条件1)N/(25%*P)>=4 ,简化为N/P>=1 条件2)N/(0.35%*P)<=2 简化为N/P<=0.7 但条件1)和2)合在一起不能得到N/P的范围,得不出结果啊,选了E。错误在哪里呢?