首先我们需要先搞清楚什么是obnoxious p-median problem,在此之前我们先了解p-median problem的概念。 P-中位问题(p-median problem) P-中位问题(也叫P-中值问题)是研究在一个给定数量和位置的需求集合和一个给数量和候选位置的设施集合的前提下,分别为P个设施找到合适的位置,并指派每个需求点到一个特定的设施,...
...、 邮局、 公园 极小化设施与区 位的加权总距离 中位问题 (p-median problem) 备注 应用 目 标式 98/5/27 • 区位- 途程问题为 …www.docin.com|基于5个网页 2. P中量问题 地理信息... ... Planning information system 规划信息系统>> p-median problem P- 中量问题>> point in polygon ...
首先我们需要先搞清楚什么是obnoxious p-median problem,在此之前我们先了解p-median problem的概念。 P-中位问题(p-median problem) P-中位问题(也叫P-中值问题)是研究在一个给定数量和位置的需求集合和一个给数量和候选位置的设施集合的前提下,分别为P个设施找到合适的位置,并指派每个需求点到一个特定的设施,...
1.Many heuristic methods are applied to find optimal solution in P-Hub median problem,such as GA,SA,Hopfield Network etc."位置-分配问题"是运输问题中一个重要的研究问题,其中P-Hub中心问题被广泛的应用在航空、通讯、邮件送发问题上。 英文短句/例句 1.Optimized Solution of P-Hub Median Problem Based...
The p-median problem is an excellent tool to solve location facilities problems. There are many applications in which the problem of the P-median can be used; some of these can be location of fire stations, location of police stations, and location of distribution centers, among others. This...
$title P-Median Problem (PMEDIAN,SEQ=408)$onText The pmedian problem is defined as follows: given a set I={1...n} of locations and a transportation cost W between each pair of locations. Select a subset S of p location minimizing the sum of the distances between each location and th...
The problem is shown to be strongly NP{mathcal{NP}}-hard on general graphs and weakly NP{mathcal{NP}}-hard on series-parallel graphs. Therefore, the special case on a tree is considered: It is shown that the inverse 2-median problem with variable edge lengths on trees is solvable in ...
The P-Median Problem is one of the basic cases of facility location problems and has been studied for many years. Most methods of solving it are based on classical heuristics or meta-heuristic and they don't perform well on large-scale problems according to time cost. In this paper, we ...