司美格鲁肽是一种长效胰高血糖素样肽1受体激动剂(GLP-1RA),多项临床研究和回顾研究的结果表明,GLP-1RA受试者减掉的体重中或有近40%为主要由肌肉质量构成的瘦体重(Lean Body Mass),而肌肉流失会增加患心血管、骨质疏松症等疾病的风险。 副作用显现,是在为本土的司美格鲁肽仿制药企及创新减重药研发赛道的厂商提...
而在两款药物巨大的成功之下,仍有能成功突围的机会在隐现。 此前司美格鲁肽的STEP1研究和SUSTAIN8研究表明,入组患者减轻的体重约40%是瘦体重(Lean body mass),而这会导致机体免疫力下降从而增加感染风险等一系列不良事件。 因而需要开发更优的疗法,以求在减肥和保护肌肉之间找到平衡。 目前,各大药企和市场对于这...
the defense sought discovery and motion practice on general causation—specifically, whether GLP-1RAs can cause intestinal and bowel injuries as alleged in the Ozempic lawsuits. The judge reserved judgment on this application. So far, the judge appears to lean in favor of the defense. There are...
Rapidly dropping pounds is associated with a loss of muscle mass and other undesirable effects—including looking older.
Active adults should aim for 1.2 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. That means a 150-pound person should eat 82 to 136 grams each day, says Shapiro. Foods like chicken, tofu, grass-fed beef, eggs, fish, and protein powder are all good, lean sources of the nutrient....
they found that a higher-protein diet increased GLP-1 when compared to either higher-fat or higher-carbohydrate meals. Keeping protein levels high is crucial. Some reports from Ozempic users found aloss of muscle mass, suggesting that increasing lean protein may provide protection from frailty whil...
Keeping an eye on what you eat while taking Ozempic can boost its weight-loss effectiveness and help manage side effects. Prioritize lean protein, and incorporate high-fiber carbohydrates and healthy fats to maintain muscle mass and keep your blood sugar steady. Also, steer clear of highly proces...
The future of obesity medicine is all about developing compounds or combining compounds that hit multiple receptors in the body related to appetite and potentially even metabolic rate, nutrient partitioning (how your body selects which fuels it puts in storage), and lean muscle mass retention. ...