Welcome to the Oxygen Not Included Wiki the Oxygen Not Included compendium by the players, for the players. We are currently maintaining 6,092 pages (1,753 articles), 2,100 files, and 10 active users. Please feel free to contribute by creating new articles or expanding existing ones in ...
你可以通过以下方式为缺氧中文 Wiki 的建设助力 加群851803695与其他编辑者交际或报告问题。 对页面进行任何改进,小到一个错别字的更改! 翻译、更新英文站点对应条目(很多新加入的内容缺乏中文资料) 创建缺失页面或撰写原创文章 查证已有页面的数据与信息(英文社区大部分文章较长时间没有更新,存在不准确的地方) ...
Not sure if any of you have stumbled on it or searched for it, but today I kinda got curious and found out there already is one, right here: http://oxygennotincluded.gamepedia.com/Oxygen_Not_Included_Wiki Although very incomplete, it has some pages that
如题,便于不能上游戏的时候学习研究理论知识 12012 缺氧吧 GZackham 科普游戏内导热计算问题本贴信息来源是Thermal Conductivity - Oxygen Not Included Wiki (gamepedia.com) 以及其他几个相关页面。 可以直接跳到第4节的例子,再回来看头几节。 1.几项需要注意的导热率数值 隔热质与深渊晶石的导热率不是0,而是...
March 19, 2017in[Oxygen Not Included] - General Discussion On a scale of 1 to 10 how good is the current wiki 5 members have voted 1. 1-10 1 0 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 1 9 0 10 1 Pleasesign inorregisterto vote in this poll. ...
Quotations from Wikiquote Textbooks from Wikibooks Resources from Wikiversity Notes These results were mostly ignored until 1860. Part of this rejection was due to the belief that atoms of one element would have no chemical affinity towards atoms of the same element, and part was due to apparent...
In this study, we aimed at determining the impact of naphthalene and different oxygen levels on a biofilm bacterial community originated from a petroleum h
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