Welcome to the Oxygen Not Included Wiki the Oxygen Not Included compendium by the players, for the players. We are currently maintaining 6,094 pages (1,753 articles), 2,101 files, and 8 active users. Please feel free to contribute by creating new articles or expanding existing ones in ...
Welcome to the Oxygen Not Included Wiki the Oxygen Not Included compendium by the players, for the players. We are currently maintaining 6,094 pages (1,753 articles), 2,101 files, and 6 active users. Please feel free to contribute by creating new articles or expanding existing ones in ...
如题,便于不能上游戏的时候学习研究理论知识 12012 缺氧吧 GZackham 科普游戏内导热计算问题本贴信息来源是Thermal Conductivity - Oxygen Not Included Wiki (gamepedia.com) 以及其他几个相关页面。 可以直接跳到第4节的例子,再回来看头几节。 1.几项需要注意的导热率数值 隔热质与深渊晶石的导热率不是0,而是...
我们来看一下列表(原始列表见缺氧wiki): 水源在游戏中是非常宝贵的,制造氧气,炼油都要有水,所以在前期不知道地图中有多少水泉的情况下不建议大规模在中需要灌溉的作物,所以选项只剩米虱木和蘑菇了。同时这两种作物也不需要光照,温度也适合初期种植。两种相比而言蘑菇更好一些,除了可以提供更多卡路里,需要的肥料也更...
Not sure if any of you have stumbled on it or searched for it, but today I kinda got curious and found out there already is one, right here: http://oxygennotincluded.gamepedia.com/Oxygen_Not_Included_Wiki Although very incomplete, it has some pages that
https://oxygennotincluded.fandom.com/wiki/Geyser natelolzzz Registered Users 72 Author Posted March 27, 2022 Thanks for all your help, problem fixed itself Gurgel Registered Users 4.7k Posted March 28, 2022 On 3/27/2022 at 11:46 PM, JRup said: If you have coal you can bui...
A little more guidance and better tutorials on the core mechanics would have been good, though I think since then there have been a bunch of improvements on the tutorial side including an in-game wiki. Still I am keen to try again some day, what's amazing is that Klei have pushed ...
首页 Mod 游戏 wiki 3DM Mod组 管理器 缺氧Mod [Oxygen Not Included]《缺氧(Oxygen Not Included)》是一款透过Steam网络平台发行由Klei Entertainment制作的太空模拟策略游戏,采用2D横版布局,玩家需要管理复制人,让他们挖掘、建立并维护起一个地下的基地,为此,玩家需要水、食物、氧气、适当的调节压力和适宜的温度等...
缺氧Mod [Oxygen Not Included] 《缺氧(Oxygen Not Included)》是一款透过Steam网络平台发行由Klei Entertainment制作的太空模拟策略游戏,采用2D横版布局,玩家需要管理复制人,让他们挖掘、建立并维护起一个地下的基地,为此,玩家需要水、食物、氧气、适当的调节压力和适宜的温度等条件来维持复制人生存并满足他们的其他需求...