electrode is dominated by the oxide layer under anodic potentials; whereas, for a cathodic potential, a parallel impedance must be taken into account. The impedance of the CPE introduced by D. D. Macdonald5is thus considered here to be the impedance of the oxide layer when the potential is...
These alloy catalysts usually consist of a precious metal component and a cheap metal component, the latter of which would segregate to the surface under oxidative conditions to form a self-limited oxide layer6. Such phenomena have been utilized recently for the controlled synthesis of two-...
Curbing nitrousoxideemissions would enhance the ozone layer's recovery. 抑制氧化亚氮的排放将会促进臭氧层的恢复. 期刊摘选 The patterned anodic aluminumoxide( AAO ) template was fabricated by UV photolithography. 采用紫外光刻法制得图案化的阳极 氧化铝 模板. ...
In an oxygen-containing atmosphere, these metals establish an atomically thin oxide layer in a self-limiting reaction. The layer increases the wettability of the liquid metal placed on oxygen-terminated substrates, leaving the thin oxide layer behind. In the case of liquid gallium, the oxide skin...
Although the shell concentration-gradient strategy is generally more effective than core-shell structure, the short shell thickness cannot guarantee high Mn content at the outer layer of the particle and thus its effectiveness in stabilizing the surface of the material is weak, particularly at high-...
A circuit with dielectric thicknesses is presented that includes a low-pass filter including one or more semiconductor devices having a thick gate oxide layer, while further semiconductor devices of the circuit have thin gate oxide layers. The low-pass filter semiconductor device includes an N-type...
一种用云母 氧化铁 颜料配制而成的双组份聚酰胺固化环氧涂料. 互联网 Both dull and free sides of the as - received ribbons were covered with aniron oxidelayer. 实验结果表明:原始条带的贴辊侧和自由侧表面均为一层铁的氧化物覆盖. 互联网 展开全部...
网页 图片 视频 学术 词典 地图 更多 oxide-insulating-layer 例句 释义: 全部 更多例句筛选 1. The oxide insulating layer can be damaged by frequent rewrite. 氧化物绝缘层,可损坏频繁重写。 hi.baidu.com© 2024 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈...
(Supplementary Fig.8). As discussed above, the Ti surface-concentration results in a well-refined titanium oxide layer with a unique electronic and crystal structure, wherein trivalent titanium is favorable and the improved electrical conductivity and spinel-like structure facilitates ion transport in ...