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The Nanopore community helps new users get started and encourages discussion and collaborative experimentation using our disruptive technology. As a member of our community you will help shape the next generation of our products and software. Find out about the communityLog in to the community ...
Oxford Nanopore technology update at NCM Boston Authors: Rosemary Sinclair Dokos and Lakmal JayasingheShare Visit event page Published on: 2024年9月16日 Nanopore Community Meeting Bioinformatics Methylation Transcriptomics Whole genome Variant calling Basecalling EPI2ME MinION Mk1D WorkflowRecommended...
Oxford Nanopore Technologies (牛津纳米孔技术) 正式开始为中国市场提供产品与服务 2017年10月:牛津纳米孔的DNA与RNA测序仪产品正式进入中国市场 牛津纳米孔的测序仪,拥有长读长、实时测序、便于携带等优势,正在中国为全国的相关研究人员广泛使用。MinION测序仪在中国被应用于各种不同的专业领域,其中包括:病...
Oxford Nanopore的纳米孔测序仪还尚未有推出的时间表,但有可能是第三代测序技术当中最便宜的。纳米孔测序的优势在于它不需要对DNA进行标记,也就省去了昂贵的荧光试剂和CCD照相机。 英国牛津纳米孔公司Oxford Nanopore Technologies Oxford Nanopore Technologies Ltd is developing a revolutionary technology for direct, ...
Molecular characterization of the oral microbiome is a crucial first step in experiments which aim to understand the complex dynamics of the oral microbiome or the interplay with host health and disease. Third-generation Oxford Nanopore Technology (ONT)
NEBNext®-Oxford Nanopore Technologies®连接测序配套试剂(E7180)包含以下三个Oxford Nanopore Technologies连接测序文库制备推荐模块:NEBNext FFPE DNA修复混合液(M6630)、NEBNext Ultra II末端修复/加dA尾模块(E7546)和NEBNext快速连接模块(E6056)。现在您可更方便地通过同一个货号E7180订购以上所有模块,并且该产...
Oxford Nanopore will also tap on UPS Premier’s premium tracking, prioritisation, and recovery service for its time- and temperature-sensitive shipments.The goal will be same-day despatch and faster delivery of flow cells—the consumable cartridges that contain the technolo...
英国牛津纳米孔公司(Oxford Nanopore technology)所开发的第三代单分子测序技术,因其实时测序、检测速度快、通量高的特点,被誉为测序界的“拍立得”。不同于前两代测序技术,第三代纳米孔测序技术无需PCR扩增,利用纳米孔特殊结构实现单条DNA/RNA分子的实时测序,从而克服了第二代测序技术(NGS)中存在的PCR扩增误差、测...
The company has developed a new generation of nanopore-based sensing technology for real-time, high-performance, accessible and scalable analysis of DNA and RNA. The technology is used in more than 120 co...