Explore the nanopore portfolio of flow cells, compatible devices, manual and automated library prep, and data analysis solutions. Prepare your libraryExplore Sequence with flow cells & devicesExplore Analyse your dataExplore 技术应用 科学研究人员利用我们的平台,探寻有关人类、植物、动物、病原体和环境的...
PromethION 2 devices offer flexible, high-output nanopore sequencing, in a compact, accessible design utilising flow cells that generate hundreds of gigabases. Find out more London Calling 2025: Submit your abstract Don't miss your chance to speak at the biggest nanopore sequencing conference of ...
If this problem persists, please report it viasupport@nanoporetech.com. {"message":"[GET] \"/_nuxt/builds/meta/1046e4cf-32b4-4853-8c75-e3c4866fe30a.json\": 503 Service Unavailable","statusCode":503,"statusMessage":"Service Unavailable","data":"\n"}...
Explore the nanopore portfolio of flow cells, compatible devices, manual and automated library prep, and data analysis solutions. Prepare your libraryExplore Sequence with flow cells & devicesExplore Analyse your dataExplore 技术应用 科学研究人员利用我们的平台,探寻有关人类、植物、动物、病原体和环境的...
Oxford Nanopore Technologies Ltd成立于2005年,总部位于英国牛津。公司致力于开发基于纳米孔科学的高性能新型DNA/RNA测序技术。其新型的单分子电子DNA/RNA测序技术正应用于80多个国家的一系列生物研究中,其中包括大规模人类基因组学、癌症研究、微生物学、植物科学和环境研究。并有可能在医疗保健、农业、食品和水监测以及...
vat no 336942382. oxford nanopore technologies, the wheel icon, epi2me, flongle, gridion, metrichor, minion, minit, minknow, plongle, promethion, smidgion, ubik and voltrax are registered trademarks of oxford nanopore technologies plc in various countries. oxford nanopore technologies products ...
Oxford Nanopore 英国牛津纳米孔公司Oxford Nanopore Technologies www.nanoporetech.com Oxford Nanopore的纳米孔测序仪还尚未有推出的时间表,但有可能是第三代测序技术当中最便宜的。纳米孔测序的优势在于它不需要对DNA进行标记,也就省去了昂贵的荧光试剂和CCD照相机。
Oxford Nanopore Technologies Ltd是一家私人公司,总部位于英国牛津郊外的牛津科学园区,在英国剑桥,纽约和波士顿设有办事处,办事处也设在日本和法国。 该公司成立于2005年,旨在开发基于纳米孔科学的破坏性电子单分子传感系统。**款产品MinION于2014年推出,并于2015年投放市场.GALION和PromethION于2017年推出。该公司拥有...
Oxford Nanopore’s goal is to bring the widest benefits to society through enabling the analysis of anything, by anyone, anywhere. The company has developed a new generation of nanopore-based sensing technology. This enables the real-time, high-performan
Oxford Nanopore Technologies、风轮图标、EPI2ME、Flongle、GridION、Metrichor、MinION、MinIT、MinKNOW、Plongle、 PromethION、SmidgION、Ubik 和 VolTRAX 是 Oxford Nanopore Technologies plc 在不同国家的注册商标。Oxford Nanopore Technologies 产品并非旨在用于健康评估或 诊断、治疗、缓解、治愈或预防任何疾病或状况...