of 17 different flower categories, and the second dataset is much larger, consisting of 102 different categories of flowers common to the UK.中文关键词:花卉数据集,牛津,英国,网站,英文关键词:Flowers dataset,Oxford,UK,various websites,数据格式:IMAGE 数据用途:Image processing 数据详细介绍:
The first dataset is a smaller one consisting of 17 different flower categories, and the second dataset is much larger, consisting of 102 different categories of flowers common to the UK. 中文关键词 花卉数据集,牛津,英国,网站, 英文关键词 Flowers dataset,Oxford,UK,various websites, 数据格式 ...
Flowersdataset,Oxford,UK,variouswebsites, 数据格式: IMAGE 数据用途: Imageprocessing 数据详细介绍: Oxfordflowersdatasets Twoflowerdatasetsaregatheredimagesfromvariouswebsites,withsome supplementaryimagesfromourownphotographs.Thefirstdatasetisa smalleroneconsistingof17differentflowercategories,andthesecond ...
image classification, bottle-neck, fine-tune . Contribute to zhr01/Oxford-flowers development by creating an account on GitHub.
OXford FLowers102 划分好的数据集带代码可以直接训练 ### 牛津花卉数据集介绍及使用 牛津花卉数据集(Oxford Flowers Dataset)是一个用于图像分类和图像识别任务的标准数据集,包含不同种类的花卉图像。它广泛应用于计算机视觉研究和深度学习模型的训练。 ### 数据集特点 1. **图像数量**:包含 17 类花卉,共计 136...
Oxford 102 Flower is an image classification dataset consisting of 102 flower categories. The flowers chosen to be flower commonly occurring in the United Kingdom. Each class consists of between 40 and 258 images. The images have large scale, pose and l
Training Image Classification using ML.NET Deep Learning with Oxford flowers dataset - quocthang0507/ImageClassificationWebAppWithML.NET
://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/data/pets/37categorypet;200imagesforeachclass;segmentation; food101 https...://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/data/flowers/17/ 17categoryflower;80imagesforeachclass;some common flowersinthe tensorflow object detection API训练公开数据集Oxford-IIIT Pets Dataset ...