首先进入Oxford-102 Flower的官方网站:https://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/data/flowers/102/index.html 然后在Downloads栏目中,点击Dataset images下载原始图像数据集: 原网站较慢,建议直接使用谷歌云盘进行下载:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cL0F5Q3AYLfwWY7OrUaV1YmTx4zJXgNG/view 下载好图像数据集后,...
牛津花卉分类数据集(Oxford Flower)包含英国本土的102个类别的花卉图像,每个类别包含40到258幅图像。 数据来源:https://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/data/flowers/102/ 文件列表 102flowers.tgz 102segmentations.tgz imagelabels.mat setid.mat 102flowers.tgz (328.89M) 下载 File Name Size Update Time jpg/...
Oxford 102 Flowers Dataset 是一个花卉集合数据集,主要用于图像分类,它分为 102 个类别共计 102 种花,其中每个类别包含 40 到 258 张图像。 该数据集由牛津大学工程科学系于 2008 年发布,相关论文有《Automated flower classification over a large number of classes》 ...
of 17 different flower categories, and the second dataset is much larger, consisting of 102 different categories of flowers common to the UK.中文关键词:花卉数据集,牛津,英国,网站,英文关键词:Flowers dataset,Oxford,UK,various websites,数据格式:IMAGE 数据用途:Image processing 数据详细介绍:
The first dataset is a smaller one consisting of 17 different flower categories, and the second dataset is much larger, consisting of 102 different categories of flowers common to the UK. 中文关键词 花卉数据集,牛津,英国,网站, 英文关键词 Flowers dataset,Oxford,UK,various websites, 数据格式 ...
描述数据集,一个针对Caltech-UCSD birds dataset,另一个针对Oxford-102flowersdataset。然后提出了提出了一个新的结构联合嵌入的扩展,表明它可以用于深度...编码能显著区分类别的视觉特征。该模型在zero-shot的基于文本的图像检索方面展现了强大的性能,并且在Caltech-UCSD Birds200-2011数据集上的zero-shot分类方面明显...
seconddatasetismuchlarger,consistingof102differentcategoriesof flowerscommontotheUK. 中文关键词: 花卉数据集,牛津,英国,网站, 英文关键词: Flowersdataset,Oxford,UK,variouswebsites, 数据格式: IMAGE 数据用途: Imageprocessing 数据详细介绍: Oxfordflowersdatasets ...
image classification, bottle-neck, fine-tune . Contribute to zhr01/Oxford-flowers development by creating an account on GitHub.
Training Image Classification using ML.NET Deep Learning with Oxford flowers dataset - quocthang0507/ImageClassificationWebAppWithML.NET
Oxford 102 Flower is an image classification dataset consisting of 102 flower categories. The flowers chosen to be flower commonly occurring in the United Kingdom. Each class consists of between 40 and 258 images. The images have large scale, pose and l