Sentences: OU and OW Brainstorm a list of eight words with the /ow/ sound, as in mouth and clown. 1st Grade Word Sort: 2 Sounds of ow The letters OW can make two sounds: /ow/ (as in owl) or long o (as in slow). Sort the word cards into groups by sound. ...
This Diphthong ow and ou worksheet is targeted to differentiate spelling of words ow and ou. Those diphthongs are mostly confused by the students because they have the same sound. I made this worksheet so they can easily spell and identify words with ow
Unit10owas/ou/and/oa/教学设计 一、教学目标 ,Studentswillbeabletounderstandthedigraphowcanmaketwosounds:/oa/and/ou/. •Studentswillbeabletoidentifythesoundofowinwords. •Studentswillbeabletowriteow. ,Studentswillbeabletorecognizeandreadalphabetandtrickywords •Studentswillbeabletoblendandunderstandthemean...
Tip: Imagine saying "oo" but with your lips slightly more rounded, and follow it quickly with a soft "w" sound. How to Distinguish: Look at the word's spelling and context: Some patterns can help, but not always. For instance, "ow" after "l" or "r" tends to make the "ou" sou...
《丽声快乐自然拼读教程3》 Unit 10 ow as /ou/ and /oa/ 教学设计一、教学目标 Students will be able to understand the digraph ow can make two sounds: /oa/ and /ou/. Students will be able to identify the sound of ow in words. Students will be able to write ow. Students will be ...
Are you struggling to find an engaging and effective resource for teaching vowel diphthongs ow and ou to your students? Look no further! Our Vowel Diphthongs Ow Ou Worksheet is the perfect tool for educators who want to help their students grasp the conc
make it with /ou/ like in ouch. (The crazy thing is that /ou/ also makes the /oo/ sound like in soup.) But the other way to make the /ow/ sound, and our focus today, is with an ow like in crown or owl. So what rule or generalization can we make for these two vowel ...
Uses Diphthong Spelling Patterns: oi, oy, ou, ow (assessment)