所属专辑:Spelling words 猜你喜欢 107 動-ACTION by:流行风ING 2.5万 Action English by:VOCFM100 8.3万 100 Action Principles by:XY妈妈 6523 FC Action 52 by:双月传说 627 Mulan live action by:草原上的小木屋 566 All Action-New Born by:嘻哈有态度 ...
This set of 3rd grade spelling worksheets focusses on words with the -ow and -ou pattern. Word find, missing letters, writing sentences and more that include -ow and -ou words like cow, bow, how, clown, town, flower, out, mouse, found, proud, count and
With these printable worksheets, you'll be able to teach students the different ways to spell the /ow/ sound, as in cloud and clown. Mini-Book: The Clouds Find words with -ow- and -ou- in this easy-to-read, eight-page minibook. Words include, "cloud, cow, round, brown, flower,...
Consonant BlendCluster SpellingMats – hands on activity learning blends Kindergarten Word FamiliesSliders – help kids practice sounding out blends in words with this fun, transportation themed reading activity for early readers. L Blends Clip Cards,S Blends Clip Cards,R Blend Clip Cards Reading and...
P5 Commonly Misspelt Words : 1 pair of double letters (January) 老師10個詞語 P5 Foundation T3 Spelling List 4 老師6個詞語 English composition phrases 53個詞語 智坊-小托福TOEFL Junior-核心学术词汇- Lesson24 老師34個詞語 Y2 Com Unit Unit 1 Lesson A & B (definition) ...
Spelling PhonicsDiphthongou,ow:cow,town,mouse, Diphthongou,owhow,out,mouth;born,fork,fall,sure High-Frequency/Grammar VocabularyColorWords against,fall,sure,below,yellow,orange;ApostrophesinContractions wondered,season Writing ComprehensionPoem Strategy:Visualize Skill:SequenceofEventsReadAloud Skill:Causeand...
《丽声快乐自然拼读教程3》 Unit 10 ow as /ou/ and /oa/ 教学设计一、教学目标 Students will be able to understand the digraph ow can make two sounds: /oa/ and /ou/. Students will be able to identify the sound of ow in words. Students will be able to write ow. Students will be ...
In these cases, the "ou" is simply part of the word's spelling, but does not contribute to its pronunciation. Overall, the pronunciation of the "ou" combination in English words is a complex and multifaceted topic. The way in which "ou" is pronounced can vary greatly depending on the ...
•Studentswillbeabletoreadandwritethetargetwordsandsentences. 二、教学重点 •Studentswillbeabletomaketheowsound. ,Studentswillheabletowriteowandwordscontainingowsound. ,Studentswillbeabletoidentifythesoundofow. •Studentswillbeabletorecognizeandreadtrickywords. ,Studentswillbeabletowriteandreadwordsandsentences...
一、完形填空Do you know the National Spelling Bee(全国拼写大赛) in America? A 5-year-old girl_1America was the youngest competitor(选手) in2017. Her name is Edith Fuller.2 spelling 37 words well, the little girlwon(赢) the competition(比赛). Then she could gofor the next national comp...