Genji is a Damage hero in Overwatch. He is one of the 21 heroes included in the game's release on 24 May 2016. Genji flings precise and deadly Shuriken at his targets, and uses his wakizashi to deflect projectiles or delivers a Swift Strike with his tech
GenjiSkins Common (Free) Overwatch 1 Weapons:#1#2#3 Overwatch 2 Weapons:#1#2#3 Rare 75 Azurite Weapons:#1#2#3 Cinnabar Weapons:#1#2#3 Malachite Weapons:#1#2#3 Ochre Weapons:#1#2#3 Epic 250 ...
Nano Boost cannot miss; it ignores Genji's Deflect, Sigma's Kinetic Grasp, D.Va's Defense Matrix and Barriers. It can be wasted however, since it's a cast time ability that, so if timed right you can be stunned out of it, or the target can die before receiving the instant healing...
2 Juno 3 Kiriko 4 Hazard 5 // Maps The latest from @PlayOverwatch Twitter Tweets by @playoverwatch The Overwatch Wiki Community Contribute To start a new article, enter the name in the box below. Don't worry! If you are unsure of what to do or how to create a page, search for ...
Lauren Tom (Reunion)[2] Hojo Shin (Zero Hour)[3] Freja (To be announced.) Genji Gaku Space Bernard Gabay Yusuke Yamasaki (main) Paolo De Santis Yoshihisa Kawahara Kim Hye-seong Peng Bo Hu Jhensi Grzegorz Kwiecień Paulo Vignolo Alexander Tsoi Fran Jiménez ❔ (Dragons) Óscar Flo...
Genji and Pharah at medium range. His damage falls off a cliff at longer ranges, and his low mobility means that he has to take conventional routes to get up close to his opponents, making it easy to outflank him and kill him before he has a chance to fire back. ...
If you are curious whatHero updateswere rolled out for this stage of Season 4, we've got your back. On this page ofIGN's Overwatch 2 wiki guide, you can find a full breakdown of theMay 9th Patch Notesfor Overwatch 2. Overwatch 2 Hero Tips: Kiriko ...
Genji: I do not. Hanzo: No. Junker Queen: Not unless you want that table broken over your head! Pharah: No one wants that. Reaper: No. Sojourn: Uh, Winston, please, no. Soldier: 76: No! Nope. 1 of the following heroes: Brigitte, D.Va, Junkrat, Mei, Mercy, Moira or Reinhardt...
Genji's voice actor is Gaku Space, speaking English and Japanese. Quotes marked "datamined" might not exist in-game, and may be outdated. Do not take them as representative of the game in its current or future states. Please move quotes that do exist in
Fire it at a distant wall to gain some distance from flankers like Genji. Since Widowmaker still maintains some momentum after arriving at the hook's location, she can use it as a sort of "high jump" to use her sniper rifle on targets normally out of her line of fire while midair. ...