Overwatch vs Overwatch 2: 10 Major Changes Genji is anOffensehero who specializes in melee combat. Although his primary attack is a ranged Shuriken toss, his other skills focus on melee combat attacks. He specializes in speed and damage, but lacksdefenseand health making him extremely weak if...
Overwatch 2 May 9 General Updates Ping System: "Group Up" can now be used while dead. Added a new setting to Controls -> Communication -> Ping - Options -> Enable Contextual Comms Wheel. When Enabled, this setting changes "Group Up" and "Need Healing" to use alternate comms when aimin...
Genji is a Damage hero in Overwatch. He is one of the 21 heroes included in the game's release on 24 May 2016. Genji flings precise and deadly Shuriken at his targets, and uses his wakizashi to deflect projectiles or delivers a Swift Strike with his tech
Genji as Zuko Kiriko as Suki Blizzard invited players to get the "gaang" back together with a pun inspired by the lead character from The Last Airbender. The publisher also dropped a new animated trailer that blends the best of both worlds in a playful match with each other. The ...
Launch Overwatch 2 and navigate to Options from the main menu. Under Video, locate the option to select your Graphics API. Choose DirectX 12 from the dropdown menu. Restart the game to apply the changes. Note PCs that cannot support DirectX 12 will not be able to see the option to turn...
Notably, Genji and D.Va are a bit less deadly, Zarya is less shield-y and Sombra is less hacky. We feel the changes in this patch are good for the current state of the game, but we’re already planning ahead for more changes at the beginning of Season 2. We'll...
Aside from the broader damage changes in Overwatch 2, Reaper’s passive The Reaping will return to its original form where soul orbs will be dropped from defeated enemies that Reaper can pick up to gain 50 HP. Also plan how you use Wraith Form as it cannot be cancelled early....
Given the significant changes to our heroes and the addition of a new skill tier, this reset is designed to give all players a chance to climb higher than ever before. All roles in Role Queue and Open Queue in Competitive Play have been reset to Unranked. Placement Matches Placements...
enjoying their success due to his popularity. When we look at potentially making changes to them we need to keep in mind the landscape of the rest of the hero roster. For example if Genji is tweaked and possibly played less these heroes might see less success and not need adjustments ...
Projectile Damage Hero Changes by Custa Echo Duplicate Can now target allies. Ally target ultimate multiplier reduced from 450% to 350%. Genji Dragonblade Cast time reduced from 1 second to 0.5 seconds. Swing speed slowed from 0.7 seconds to 0.9 seconds. Now heals Genji for 20% of damage do...