Human dynamic model mostly focuses on the calculation of force and torque of subjected body, and the computation result is evaluated for ergonomic risks. View article Human Digital Twin in the context of Industry 5.0 Baicun Wang, ... Lihui Wang, in Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing,...
The PCC is the posterior part of cingulate gyrus, where it curves posteriorly around the body and splenium of the corpus callosum and borders with the precuneus and retrosplenial cortex. From: Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 2011 About this pageSet alert ...
Posterior positions refer to objects near the back or rear of a subject. Cranial Nerve V (Trigeminal nerve) begins in both the midbrain and medulla regions of the brainstem. Eventually, it splits into a sensory and motor branch. The sensory branch splits further into the three divisions...
After ischemic stroke, in the lesion core as well as in the ischemic penumbra, evolution of tissue damage and repair is strongly affected by neuroinflammatory events that involve activation of local specialized glial cells, release of inflammatory mediat
The truncal septum undergoes a complex process of differentiation, eventually forming the right and left aortic valve cusps and two leaflets of the pulmonic valve. Of the two intercalated endocardial cushions, the right cushion eventually forms the posterior aortic valve cusp, whereas the left ...
Comprehensive knowledge of the architecture of neuronal networks lies at the basis of understanding their functions. Although the anatomical connections between and within the hippocampal formation (HF) and the parahippocampal region (PHR) have been and still are being investigated extensively, for several...
(Fig.2). This virus has spread very quickly in the European pig population, without causing significant health problems. What is extremely important from the epidemiological point of view is that cross-resistance exists between PRCV and TGEV (the antibodies formed as a result of infection with ...
The supraspinatus, common wrist extensor, quadriceps, patellar, posterior tibialis, and Achilles tendons are probably the most commonly affected tendons. Insertional tendinopathy is one of the most common forms of tendinopathy, and, in particular, the supraspinatus, common wrist extensor, quadriceps, ...
Every year more than 40,000 women die from breast cancer, making it the second-leading cause of cancer-related deaths in women. Historically, the increase in breast cancer incidence was thought to be a reflection of changes in reproductive patterns, such as delayed childbearing and nulliparity,...
View chapterExplore book Cultural Context of Reproductive Health R. Root, C.H. Browner, in International Encyclopedia of Public Health, 2008 Introduction The concept of reproduction is a cultural product rooted in the biomedical paradigms of human anatomy, physiology, disease, and clinical medicine....