1. Relating to both front and rear. 2. In x-ray imaging, describing the direction of the beam through the patient from anterior to posterior. Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 an·ter·o·pos·te·ri·or , anterior-posterior(AP) (an'tĕr-ō-...
posterior (pŏ-stîr′ē-ər, pō-) adj. 1. Located behind a part or toward the rear of a structure. 2. Relating to the caudal end of the body in quadrupeds or the back of the body in humans and other primates. 3. Botany Next to or facing the main stem or axis. 4. Comin...
3.1 The activation of anterior-posterior patterning During gastrulation Wnt and Fgf act as posteriorizing signals to pattern the AP axis (Fig. 5A) (Green, Whitener, Mohanty, & Lekven, 2015; Tuazon & Mullins, 2015). Loss of both Wnt and Fgf function leads to the loss of posterior structur...
The anterior branch or perforating branch of the peroneal artery pierces the interosseous membrane obliquely and passing anteriorly, runs on the anterior aspect of the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis posterior to the tendon of the peroneus tertius [1]. Pseudoaneurysm of the Perforating Peroneal Artery...
The mean percent solution remaining in the stomach for all three views differed from the geometric mean by 1.9% or less at all time points. Average gastric half-emptying times were: geometric mean, 62.7卤3.3 min; anterior, 61.9卤3.2 min; posterior, 63.5卤3.5 min; and left anterior oblique,...
We find that BMP signalling acts early to establish broad anterior and posterior territories in the non-axial mesoderm while retinoic acid (RA) functions later, but also across the classic DV axis. Our data support a model in which RA on the dorsal side of the embryo induces anterior kidney...
In MRI oblique coronal scans with optimal flexion, the ACL had a nearly straight course with moderate tension, and both anterior-medial and posterior-lateral bundles were clearer in the same plane than that in the conventional extended-knee position. (Fig. 4). Fig. 4 ACL visualization at ...
Recently, Wnt glycoproteins have been shown to guide axons along the anterior-posterior (A/P) axis of the mammalian spinal cord. Here, we show that, in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, multiple Wnts and Frizzled receptors regulate the anterior migrations of neurons and growth cones. Three ...
Hiebert and Maslakova BMC Biology (2015) 13:23 DOI 10.1186/s12915-015-0133-5 RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access Hox genes pattern the anterior-posterior axis of the juvenile but not the larva in a maximally indirect developing invertebrate, Micrura alaskensis (Nemertea) Laurel S Hiebert* and ...
the posterolateral vein of the LV), the junction of the anterior interventricular and great cardiac veins (near the bifurcation of the left coronary artery), and less commonly the middle cardiac vein (which runs with the posterior descending coronary artery in the posterior interventricular groove)....