Human dynamic model mostly focuses on the calculation of force and torque of subjected body, and the computation result is evaluated for ergonomic risks. View article Human Digital Twin in the context of Industry 5.0 Baicun Wang, ... Lihui Wang, in Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing,...
However, we view the field with a certain degree of caution, tempering the hype while at the same time reflecting with optimism on the potential that future generations may have to benefit from stem cell treatments. These may help them retain good health in later life, with “healthy aging”...
The facial nerve, as its name suggests, controls the muscles of facial expression. Which cranial nerves are involved in taste? The facial nerve (CN VII) and the glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) are involved in taste. The facial nerve sends sensory information from the anterior two-thirds...
Human growth hormone (HGH)is a protein hormone secreted by somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary. It stimulates cell growth, reproduction, and regeneration by increasing protein synthesis. In the liver, growth hormone causes the synthesis and release of somatomedins and insulin-like growth fac...
ECMO provides an opportunity for both heart and lungs to rest and recover while body perfusion is maintained. Also, it helps to prolong the lives of patients on the waitlist for transplants list [3]. The history of ECMO dates back to 1944 when Kloff et al. were able to oxygenate blood...
Heart valves, superior view. View Media Gallery In most cases, the orifices of the coronary arteries arise within the two anterior sinuses of Valsalva, usually positioned just below the sinotubular junction. [5, 6, 7] However, arteries can occasionally be positioned superior relative to the ...
Neurons that fire only when the animal's head points in a specific direction in an environment. Mammillary bodies A pair of nuclei in the hypothalamus, strongly connected to the HF and the anterior complex of the thalamus, that are involved in recognition memory. Theta oscillations Rhythmical cha...
How does it happen? View of the event ( 事件進行的狀態 )View of the event ( 事件進行的狀態 ) Progressive:Progressive: –a close view: event is on-going Perfect:Perfect: –completed by a Reference Time –Relevant to RT Reference Point 55 ...
Thus, anatomical differences alone may not fully predict species differences in the rates of placental transfer of chemicals, and functional assessments have been shown to be useful in defining the exposure of the conceptus after maternal dose administration. Show moreView chapter Chapter Epigenetic ...
The auditory cortex extends from Heschl's gyrus in the anterior-inferior direction and the posterior-superior direction along the supratemporal plane and the upper bank of the superior temporal gyrus. A second important anatomical region in the human auditory cortex is the planum temporale, located ...