In the United States, municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills are often considered a significant source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions due to their ability to generate methaneemissions. MSW landfills are becoming subject to more intensive regulation, monitoring, andenforcement; even though the ...
Greenhouse gas emissions refer to the release of gases into the atmosphere that contribute to the greenhouse effect and global warming. These gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, absorb longer wavelength radiation and increase the atmospheric temperature. ...
aThis paper presents an overview of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions scenarios that form the analytical backbone for other contributions to this Special Issue. We first describe the motivation behind this scenario exercise and introduce the main scenario features and characteristics, in both ...
This report provides an overview on the impact of different food production technologies to the environment and climate, including those used in the production of meat and dairy products, seafoods and vegetable products, with emphasis on greenhouse gas emissions. Climatic effects of food transport, fo...
FieldOfStudy FinancialProduct FocusGroup FuelCategory FuelType Gender Generator GeneratorPowerGeneration GeneratorType GeographicArea GeographicAreaType GeographicCriteria GeographicCriteriaType GovernmentOrganization Grade GreenhouseGas GreenhouseGasEmissionFactor GreenhouseGasEmissionsCategory GreenhouseGasEmissionsPurpo...
Greenhouse gas emissions have significantly altered global climate, and will continue to do so in the future. Increases in the frequency, duration, and/or severity of drought and heat stress associated with climate change could fundamentally alter the composition, structure, and biogeography of forests...
Challenge Climate policy 摘要 Because China has emerged as the largest greenhouse gas (GHG) emitter in total annual emissions, to accelerate the pace of GHG emission reduction in China is important to the success of global efforts in addressing climate change. Carbon trading is a market mechanism...
5. Methods for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Measurement from Ponds In general, measurement of the GHG emissions from the pond is achieved through frequently used methods called “floating chambers, headspace, and funnels”. Eddy covariance (EC) towers are used rarely by the scientific fraternity because...
(This article belongs to the Special IssueRecycling and Evaluation of Environmental Waste) Downloadkeyboard_arrow_down Browse Figures Versions Notes Abstract Given the prevailing concerns about greenhouse gas emissions, global warming, and the growing demand for renewable resources, the pavement industry, ...
Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Their Mitigation G.P.Robertson, inEncyclopedia of Agriculture and Food Systems, 2014 Introduction Greenhouse gases (GHGs) make up a tiny proportion of today’s atmosphere but make life on earth possible. In their absence, the light absorbed by the earth’s surfa...