Greenhouse gas emissions inventory report – Shell Group (PDF) (covering Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions under operational control) 2.Limited assurance of the 2023 Scope 3 emissions included in net carbon intensity (PDF) 3.Limited assurance of the 2023 direct (Scope 1) and energy indirect (Scope...
英文名称:Calculations of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions throughout the liquefied natural gas (LNG) chain — Part 1: General 标准状态:现行 发布日期:2024-01-30 文档简介 ISO6338-1:2024EN标准主要涉及的是液化天然气(LNG)全产业链温室气体(GHG)排放的计算方法。该标准涵盖了从LNG的开采、运输、储存、销...
未来能源研究所-钢铁和铝工业在产品层面的温室气体排放强度 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Intensities of the Steel and Aluminum Industries at the Product Level 热度: PAS 2050:2008 Specification for the assessment of the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of goods and services (商品和服务在生命周期内的温室气...
5阅读文档大小:176.34K5页jbrfsk65上传于2017-02-05格式:PDF Inventory of New York City Greenhouse Gas Emissions 热度: New Parameters for Reduction of Heating Based Greenhouse Gas Emissions A Case Study 热度: Temporal and Spatial Resolution of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in… ...
As an important an-thropogenic source of greenhouse gas (GHG), however, the GHG emission pattern from the waste sector in China’s cities and counties is unclear which hinders the development of an effective strategy for GHG reduction. In this study, the GHG emissions from the waste sector ...
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Synonyms Definition Greenhouse gases (GHGs) are those gases in the atmosphere that trap the heat of the sun and make the Earth warmer. This heat trapping property of GHGs is known as greenhouse effect. Greenhouse effect occurs naturally in the atmosphere and is essential ...
The results show that biogas production from broiler manure leads to the lowest greenhouse gas emissions in most of the analysed cases, mainly due to the emission savings related to the substitution of mineral fertilizers and the production of electricity. Pyrolysis of the manure and subsequent ...
idn=975516833&dok_var= d1&dok_ext=pdf&filename=975516833.pdfKreye, C. 2004. Greenhouse gas emissions (methane and nitrous oxide) and water use in a water-saving Ground Cover Rice Production system (GCRPS) in North China, B...
NameValue displayName Greenhouse Gas Emissions Purpose Type ID description The unique identifier of a Greenhouse Gas Emissions Purpose Type. isPrimaryKey true dataFormat int32TraitsList of traits for the GreenhouseGasEmissionsPurposeTypeId attribute are listed here. is.dataFormat.integer is.identifiedBy ...
Greenhousegasemissionsfromcoastalfreshwaterwetlandsin VeracruzMexico:Effectofplantcommunityandseasonaldynamics Jos eLuisMarín-Mu ~ niz a,* ,MaríaE.Hern andez b ,PatriciaMoreno-Casasola b a CentrodeInvestigacionesTropicales,UniversidadVeracruzana,CascodelaEx-HaciendaLucasMartín,PrivadadeAraucariasS/N.Col.Perio...