InEphesians 1:23(previously mentioned above), “head” is used where Christ subjects everything under his feet for the sake of the church, which is his “body.” In this verse, Paul does not say that the church is subjected to Christ. Rather, we are meant to be “the fullness of him...
The Jews had been living under the Law sincethe days of Moses. The Law was a set of expectations for God’s people: commands that, when followed, would distinguish Israel from all other nations as a people that belonged to God. However, Israel couldn’t keep the Law. Nobody could: eve...
读写之旅4 Day1-Day60 热度: 美国墨西哥湾原油泄漏事件60天Oil spill hits 60th day环保主题 热度: | 1 6 0 6 | 60-DayOverviewoftheBible Day...Description...Passage...Page 1...IntheBeginning...Genesis1:1—2:25...6 2...SinEntersthePicture...Genesis3:1-24...8 ...
In the book of Revelation, God draws aside the curtains on the stage of history. Through the captivating power of drama and imagery, Jesus shows us what’s really going on here on Earth, and where human history is heading. Revelation gathers up the key themes that run through the Bible a...