InEphesians 4, “head” and “body” signifies unity, and Paul says that we are to become like the head. God’s goal is for us to become mature adults—to be fully grown, measured by the standard of the fullness of Christ…. let’s grow in every way into Christ, who is thehead....
The Jews had been living under the Law sincethe days of Moses. The Law was a set of expectations for God’s people: commands that, when followed, would distinguish Israel from all other nations as a people that belonged to God. However, Israel couldn’t keep the Law. Nobody could: eve...
34 But when they realized he was a Jew, they all shouted in unison for about two hours: “Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!” 35 The city clerk quieted the crowd and said: “Fellow Ephesians, doesn’t all the world know that the city of Ephesus is the guardian ...
29 . . . . . . . The Exile of Israel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Kings 17:1-41 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425 30 . . . . . . . The Fall of Jerusalem . . . . . . . . ....
Ephesians 4:17-32 New International Version Instructions for Christian Living 17So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longerlive as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking.18They are darkened in their understand...
It comes from our theme verse in Ephesians 2:10 "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” There are so many truths to unpack in this verse. We are all a piece of God’s art that is being ...
Paul wrote the letter of Ephesians to this church. Timothy led the church for a time. While Timothy was there, Paul wrote the letter of I Timothy to him. John himself, it seems, lived in or near Ephesus both before and after his exile in Patmos. John may well have written his Gospel...
22 And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, 23 which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way. Footnotes Ephesians 1:1 Some early manuscripts do not have in Ephesus. Ephesians 1:5 Or sight in love...
22 And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, 23 which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way. Footnotes Ephesians 1:1 Some early manuscripts do not have in Ephesus. Ephesians 1:5 Or sight in lo...