Overleaf, Online LaTeX Editorwww.overleaf.com/read/skyzmpvnvvpr 《计算机学报》LaTeX模板:Overleaf...
The font size in the editor can be changed via the left-hand menu. To open the menu, click the menu button in the top-left-hand corner of the screen. From here, scroll down to find the 'Font Size' option to change the font size in the editor....
2Setting document font sizes 2.1The extsizes classes 2.1.1Example: using the extarticle class 3LaTeX font size commands 3.1Example: using font size commands 4LaTeX font size environments 4.1Example: using font size environments 5The \fontsize and \selectfont commands ...
例如: \fontsize{12pt}{14pt}\selectfont 这是 12 磅字体,行距 14 磅(2)调节行距 \linespread{1.5} 这是 1.5 倍行距 (3)字体加粗、斜体、下划线等 使用 LaTeX 实现字体加粗、斜体、下划线等的命令和 HTML 语言类似,如下: 加粗:\textbf{这是加粗的文字} 下划线:\underline{这是下划线的文字} (4)段落...
Page size and margins Single sided and double sided documents Multiple columns Counters Code listing Code Highlighting with minted Using colours in LaTeX Footnotes Margin notes Fonts Font sizes, families, and styles Font typefaces Supporting modern fonts withXƎLaTeX ...
% \titleformat*{\section}{\large\bfseries} % \titleformat*{\subsection}{\normalsize\bfseries} % \titleformat*{\subsubsection}{\normalsize} @@ -116,6 +116,8 @@ citecolor=black,urlcolor=black]{hyperref} \setmainfont{Times New Roman} \newfontfamily\sectionef{Times New Roman} \newCJKfon...
Page size and margins Single sided and double sided documents Multiple columns Counters Code listing Code Highlighting with minted Using colours in LaTeX Footnotes Margin notes Fonts Font sizes, families, and styles Font typefaces Supporting modern fonts withXƎLaTeX ...
\documentclass[12pt]{article}\usepackage{geometry}% to use a small page size\geometry{margin=4cm,b5paper}\usepackage[bidi=basic]{babel}\babelprovide[main,import]{hebrew}\babelfont[hebrew]{rm}{Hadasim CLM}\babelfont[hebrew]{sf}{Miriam CLM}\usepackage{titlesec}\titleformat{\section}{\Large...
\documentclass{jsarticle}\bibliographystyle{jplain}\title{A pLaTeX example}\begin{document}本稿では、文書組版システムp\LaTeX{}の使い方を解説します。p\LaTeX{}を利用するときには、 あらかじめ文章中に\TeX{}コマンドと呼ばれる組版用の指示を混在させ\ldots\section{導入}こんにちは世界!\...
{format.article.title} { title duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ { this.to.prev.status this.status.std "t" change.case$ } if$ "title" bibinfo.check duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ { quote.close 'this.status.quote := is.last.char.not.punct { punct.std 'this.status.punct := } { punct.no '...