Overleaf, Online LaTeX Editorwww.overleaf.com/read/rzdpjzqwkdwb 再加上一个示例图:近年来,国...
更改正文字体类型代码为\setCJKmainfont{AR PL SungtiL GB},各类中文字体名称参阅官网Overleaf中文字体名称;更改英文及数字字体类型代码为\setmainfont{Times New Roman}。 \documentclass{article} \usepackage{xeCJK} \usepackage{ctex} \setCJKmainfont{AR PL SungtiL GB} \setmainfont{Times New Roman} \begin...
LaTeX font size environments The names of the size-changing commands listed above can be used as environments to contain text whose size you wish to change; for example: \begin{Large}Text to be typeset in the\texttt{\string\Large}font size goes here...\end{Large}% ...
定义22pt: \newcommand{\erhao}{\fontsize{22pt}{\baselineskip}\selectfont}定义16pt: \newcommand{\sanhao}{\fontsize{16pt}{\baselineskip}\selectfont}定义14pt: \newcommand{\sihao}{\fontsize{14pt}{\baselineskip}\selectfont}定义10.5pt: \newcommand{\wuhao}{\fontsize{10.5pt}{\baselineskip}\select...
In this example the{\hugehuge font size}is set and the{\footnotesizeFoot note size also}. There's a fairly large set of font sizes. Open this example in Overleaf The following image shows the output produced by the example above:
Sets the font size of the text in the Code Editor and Visual Editor. You can adjust the zoom level of your output PDF using controls in the preview panel itself. Font Family This is a user-specific setting. Sets the font family of the text in the Code Editor, if these fonts are ...
(1)字体大小的调节 使用 LaTeX 调节字体大小的命令为\fontsize{size}{skip},其中 size 表示要设定的 字体大小,skip 表示行距。例如: \fontsize{12pt}{14pt}\selectfont 这是 12 磅字体,行距 14 磅(2)调节行距 \linespread{1.5} 这是 1.5 倍行距 (3)字体加粗、斜体、下划线等 使用 LaTeX 实现字体加粗、...
截图: 复现上述问题的代码: \documentclass[fontset=windows, degree=bachelor]{hfutthesis} % degree = doctor | master | bachelor % degree-type = academic | professional % language = chinese | english % fontset = windows | mac | ubuntu | fandolActivity...
\floatsetup[figure]{style=plain,justification=raggedright,singlelinecheck=false,fontsize=\footnotesize} Set up floatrow options \begin{figure}[H] Put the figure in HFLOAT \centering \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{figure1} \caption{This is figure 1.} Caption of the figure \label{fig:fig...
Theamsmathpackage provides commands to typeset matrices with different delimiters. Once you have loaded\usepackage{amsmath}in your preamble, you can use the following environments in your math environments: TypeLaTeXmarkupRenders as Plain\begin{matrix} ...