场景 当body style height 50%; overflow:scroll, 是无效的 游览器会把 overflow 搬去 viewport, 要避免这样的行为,需要给 html overflow auto Links https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41506456/why-body-overflow-not-working
If you need the scrollbar to appear on your page, you need to style your page with CSS: body { overflow-y: scroll; } The overflow-y property makes the vertical scrollbar always appear. You can replace body in my code with any element you want. Share Follow answered Jul 16...
In most situations however you probablyonly want to show a scroll bar if one is needed, and hide it when not (you know, like Mac). For that, you needoverflow: auto, which lets a browserautomaticallydetermine if a scroll bar is needed — or not. So in short: overflow: scroll: Always...
I am trying to have a custom scrollbar and using the webkit css to make changes to it; but it is not working as expected when we inspect of go to smaller screen it is showing a default scrollbar. ::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 6px; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background-color:...
Burger { overflow-y: scroll; /* Add the ability to scroll */ -ms-overflow-style: none; /* IE and Edge */ scrollbar-width: none; /* Firefox */ }复制 另请参阅此W3Schools 和::-webkit-scrollbar的浏览器兼容性 收藏0 评论0 分享 反馈 原文...
4. 3.以上两点如果还不能解决,就给container设置一个padding-bottom(根据滚动条的位置来设置,我的container是overflow-x:scroll),把滚动条挤出可视范围,这样在是拒收相当于把滚动条隐藏起来了 .container{ overflow-x:scroll; overflow-y:hidden; /* 解决ios上滑动不流畅 ...
html{overflow-y: scroll; }:root{overflow-y: auto;overflow-x: hidden; }:rootbody{position: absolute; }body{width:100vw;overflow: hidden; } 大家随意取走,不用谢! 三、结束语 本文参考自:Fix ‘jumping scrollbar’ issue using only CSS
https://drafts.csswg.org/css-overflow-4/#scrollbar-gutter-property: When the force keyword is present stable and always take effect when overflow is visible, hidden or clip in addition auto or scroll. This does not cause a scrollbar to be displayed, only a scrollbar gutter. Why? overflow...
https://drafts.csswg.org/css-overflow-4/#scrollbar-gutter-property The overflow-* values set on the root or body elements are propagated to the viewport following the rules specified in section 3.5. Overflow Viewport Propagation of the C...