1.这个适用于Chrome ::-webkit-scrollbar{ /*隐藏滚轮*/ display:none; } 1. 2. 3. 4. 2.为了兼容其他浏览器,在滚动区域外再套一层div,给这层div设置overflow:hidden,即可隐藏滚动条 // 给container外层加个div(container-wrapper) .container-wrapper{ overflow:hidden } 1. 2. 3. 4. 3.以上两点如...
In most situations however you probablyonly want to show a scroll bar if one is needed, and hide it when not (you know, like Mac). For that, you needoverflow: auto, which lets a browserautomaticallydetermine if a scroll bar is needed — or not. So in short: overflow: scroll: Always...
要隐藏滚动条但保持滚动,请将以下代码添加到代码中 /* Hide scrollbar for Chrome, Safari and Opera */ .Burger::-webkit-scrollbar { display: none; } /* Hide scrollbar for IE, Edge and Firefox */ .Burger { overflow-y: scroll; /* Add the ability to scroll */ -ms-overflow-style: none...
场景 当body style height 50%; overflow:scroll, 是无效的 游览器会把 overflow 搬去 viewport, 要避免这样的行为,需要给 html overflow auto Links https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41506456/why-body-overflow-not-working
Body overflow hidden 没办法阻止 scrollbar,spec是这么解释的如果根元素上的值是“visible”,则用户代理(游览器)必须将第一个这样的子元素的“overflow”属性应用到视口。场景当bodystyleheight50%;overflow:scroll,是无效的游览器会把overflow搬去viewpor...
https://drafts.csswg.org/css-overflow-4/#scrollbar-gutter-property: When the force keyword is present stable and always take effect when overflow is visible, hidden or clip in addition auto or scroll. This does not cause a scrollbar to be displayed, only a scrollbar gutter. Why? overflow...
To see the last option, we will have to scroll, although it is scrollable, the scrollbar is not visible. Or, Implement a custom list item, if the height of each list item is large enough, say 50px, overflow occurs on 4-5 options, but the scrollbar is not visible until there are ...
ScrollBarVisibility ScrollContentPresenter ScrollIntoViewAlignment ScrollMode ScrollViewer ScrollViewerView ScrollViewerViewChangedEventArgs ScrollViewerViewChangingEventArgs SearchBox SearchBoxQueryChangedEventArgs SearchBoxQuerySubmittedEventArgs SearchBoxResultSuggestionChosenEventArgs SearchBoxSuggestionsRequestedEventArgs SectionsIn...
The overflow-x CSS property sets what shows when content overflows a block-level element's left and right edges. This may be nothing, a scroll bar, or the overflow content. This property may also be set by using the overflow shorthand property.
因为原文作者写文章使用的编辑器不是Typora,所以他的代码块美化这一点和我们有所区别 ...