Overcooked! 2 - Gourmet Edition (日语, 韩语, 简体中文, 英语) 登录后进行评价 11770个评价 74% 12% 6% 1% 7% 游戏和法律信息 ※某些套装包会包含本产品。同时,本产品所包含的某些内容也能够单独购买。请勿重复购买。 《Overcooked! 2: Gourmet Edition》包含《Overcooked! 2》主游戏和所有的可下载内容,将...
《Overcooked! 2 - Gourmet Edition》包含《Overcooked! 2》主遊戲和所有的可下載內容,將帶給玩家各種手忙腳亂的烹飪樂趣。 在環遊洋蔥王國的旅途中,你可以獨自掌廚或與朋友合作烹煮,從 130 道滋滋作響的關卡中掌握 20 種以上的食譜。 《Overcooked! 2》 重返洋蔥王國
《Overcooked!2 - Gourmet Edition》 《Overcooked!2: Gourmet Edition》包含《Overcooked! 2》主游戏、所有的可下载内容、更新项目以及大厨包,将为玩家带来屡获殊荣的混乱烹饪乐趣。 一人下厨或与朋友们协作,走整个洋葱王国(Onion Kingdom),在 130 多个火力满满的关卡中熟练掌握多达 20 种以上的食谱。
《胡鬧廚房 2》Gourmet Edition 提供玩家在充滿混亂烹飪趣味的《胡鬧廚房2》所能玩到的所有內容,包括主遊戲及所有 DLC。 獨自享受烹飪樂趣或和朋友同樂,穿越 Onion Kingdom 的同時,在超過 130 道熾熱的關卡中掌握 20 種以上的食譜。 版本 CN¥179
2 - Carnival of Chaos HK$39.00 Description Overcooked! 2 - Gourmet Edition The Overcooked! 2 Gourmet Edition gives players every course of award-winning chaotic cooking fun with the Overcooked! 2 base game, all DLCs, updates and chef packs. Overcooked! 2 Journey back to the Onion Kingdom ...
2 - Gourmet Edition The Overcooked! 2 Gourmet Edition gives players every course of award-winning chaotic cooking fun with the Overcooked! 2 base game, all DLCs, updates and chef packs. Overcooked! 2 Journey back to the Onion Kingdom and assemble your team of chefs in classic couch co-op...
Overcooked: Gourmet Edition 当前不可用。 在此捆绑包中 Overcooked The Lost Morsel The Festive Seasoning 功能 Xbox 本机多人游戏 (2-4) 描述 The Overcooked Gourmet Edition stirs together the smash hit co-op cooking game and the Lost Morsel content pack into one delicious package that will test yo...
Overcooked! 2: Gourmet Edition The Overcooked! 2 Gourmet Edition gives players every course of award-winning chaotic cooking fun with the Overcooked! 2 base game, all DLCs, updates and chef packs. Overcooked! 2 Journey back to the Onion Kingdom and assemble your team of chefs in classic couc...