想去美服买个游戏,但是不知道这俩啥区别。其实有三个版本我看:OvercookedOvercooked Holiday BundleOvercooked Gourmet Edition哪个是最全的啊?回答 本条答案已被采纳 watarasejyun Overcooked Holiday Bundle包含:OvercookedThe Lost MorselThe Festive Seasoning(免费dlc)Overcooked Gourmet Edition包含:OvercookedThe Lost Mor...
2 - Gourmet Edition은 혼돈의 요리 세계를 빠짐없이 즐길 수 있도록 Overcooked! 2의 기본 게임과 모든 DLC를 제공합니다.혼자 또는 친구들과 함께 요리하며 양파 왕국을 탐험하고, 다양한 130...
《胡鬧廚房 2》Gourmet Edition 提供玩家在充滿混亂烹飪趣味的《胡鬧廚房2》所能玩到的所有內容,包括主遊戲及所有 DLC。 獨自享受烹飪樂趣或和朋友同樂,穿越 Onion Kingdom 的同時,在超過 130 道熾熱的關卡中掌握 20 種以上的食譜。 版本 CN¥179
2 Gourmet Edition gives players every course of chaotic cooking fun with the Overcooked! 2 base game and all DLCs. Cook alone or with friends as you travel through the onion kingdom and master over 20 recipes across 130 sizzling levels. Overcooked! 2 Journey back to the Onion Kingdom and ...
2 - Gourmet Edition The Overcooked! 2 Gourmet Edition gives players every course of award-winning chaotic cooking fun with the Overcooked! 2 base game, all DLCs, updates and chef packs. Overcooked! 2 Journey back to the Onion Kingdom and assemble your team of chefs in classic couch co-op...
The Overcooked! 2 Gourmet Edition gives players every course of chaotic cooking fun with the Overcooked! 2 base game and all DLCs. Cook alone or with friends as you travel through the onion kingdom and master over 20 recipes across 130 sizzling level
《Overcooked!2: Gourmet Edition》包含《Overcooked! 2》主游戏、所有的可下载内容、更新项目以及大厨包,将为玩家带来屡获殊荣的混乱烹饪乐趣。 一人下厨或与朋友们协作,走整个洋葱王国(Onion Kingdom),在 130 多个火力满满的关卡中熟练掌握多达 20 种以上的食谱。