Linear and logistic regression models tested the association between different reasons for seeking medical help and the time at first evaluation. Local polynomial regression model explored the probability of reporting different SDs over the analysed time frame. Median (IQR) age at first clinical ...
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Prevailing models of sex-chromosome evolution were largely inspired by the stable and highly differentiated XY pairs of model organisms, such as those of mammals and flies. Recent work has uncovered an incredible diversity of sex-determining systems, bringing some of the assumptions of these tradition...
These remissions are of comparable quality to those of younger patients. Mathematical models derived from analysis of prognostic factors are of use in identifying patients likely to fail these programs who are in need of innovative approaches to treatment. 展开 ...
Research modeling agencies online. Look for ones that have a "Classic" or "Sophisticate" section; this is where the work for female models over 50 will be. The most prestigious modeling agencies are located in New York City. If you don't live within a reasonable distance of the Big Apple...
Linear and logistic regression models tested the association between different reasons for seeking medical help and the time at first evaluation. Local polynomial regression model explored the probability of reporting different SDs over the analysed time frame. Median (IQR) age at first clinical ...
Further fueling my fire: I was a devout reader of all books and magazines Diet, like Oxygen/Muscle&Fitness Hers/Shape. All those women exercised like crazy, starved themselves for days, and had a cheat day. They looked amazing and were definitely my role models. ...
[22,23,43,44]), that male-biased and/or male reproductive genes (including testis-biased, seminal fluid and/or sperm genes), evolve rapidly and/or exhibit positive selection as compared to female genes and/or the rest of the genome in Drosophila and other models [1,4,5,6,10,14,19,...
We used several linear mixed-effects regression models to examine the effect of sucralose vs sucrose on the aforementioned outcomes. Given our a priori hypothesis regarding effects of body mass index (BMI; calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared) status and sex on ...
(R.macrocnemis,R.chensinensis,R.ornativentrisandR.uenoi) were in fact ZW, this would still leave a clear bias towards XY heterogamety in this family. This bias runs against expectations from models where either sex-ratio selection or sex-antagonistic selection drive turnovers31,32,33,50. ...