Research modeling agencies online. Look for ones that have a "Classic" or "Sophisticate" section; this is where the work for female models over 50 will be. The most prestigious modeling agencies are located in New York City. If you don't live within a reasonable distance of the Big Apple...
Where studies reported condom use as ‘always’, ‘sometimes’ or ‘never’, rather than over a specific recall period, we define answers other than ‘always’ as practising UAI or UVI and refer to this recall period as general condom use. All models were fitted using maximum-likelihood rando...
Noteworthy, estradiol protects airways of experimental hyperresponsiveness since it increases airways AChE activity as well as prevents mucus and collagen deposition in asthma models [46, 30]. Our data also showed that progesterone did not modify the cell influx into the lung of OVx allergic rats, ...
Serving transgender people: clinical care considerations and service delivery models in transgender health. Lancet 388, 401–411 (2016). Article PubMed Google Scholar Gooren, L. J. Clinical practice. Care of transsexual persons. N. Engl. J. Med. 364, 1251–1257 (2011). Article CAS PubMed...
Hedges LV, Vevea JL: Fixed and random effects models in meta-analysis. Psychol Methods. 1998, 3: 486-504. 10.1037/1082-989X.3.4.486. Article Google Scholar van Houwelingen HC, Arends LR, Stijnen TH: Tutorial in biostatistics. Advanced methods in meta-analysis: Multivariate approach and ...
Top 50 Black Female Models: Defining Elegance Last Updated July 26, 2023 By Clare Candy The fashion industry has a history of black modeling, unfortunately, it’s still popular today. And although progress is (slowly but surely) being made to ensure that people of color, specifically Blacks,...
Eggert AK, Reinhardt K, Sakaluk SK (2003) Linear models for assessing mechanisms of sperm competition: the trouble with transformations. Evolution 57:173–176 Article PubMed Google Scholar Fedorka KM, Zuk M (2005) Sexual conflict and female immune suppression in the cricket, Allonemobious sociu...
Studies on environmental exposures and breast cancer risk have thus far been limited to animal models. Here, we present the first interrogation of the human adolescent breast at the molecular level and investigate how obesity affects the immature breast. Methods We performed RNA-seq in 62 breast ...
[106] explaining, in part, the modest change in muscle mass with testosterone suppression and accompanying cross-hormone treatment. Indeed, this is supported by research conducted on estrogen replacement therapy in other targeted populations [107,108] and in several different animal models, including ...
Significant variance in the random intercepts indicates that, indeed, respondents differ significantly in average speed, which does imply that the use of multilevel models is warranted. Moreover, highly significant positive effects are observed for respondents’ age. This is hardly surprising, as react...