Whentheoutputfeedbackcontrollawsareappliedtothesystems,thestatesofthesystemscanconvergetoasmallregionof theorigin. 当输出控制律作用于该系统时,系统的状态能够收敛到原点的一个小邻域内。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Thegainmatricesoftheoutputfeedbackcontrollerare also constructedbymeansof themethodofmatrixdecomposition...
网络输出反馈控制 网络释义 1. 输出反馈控制 ... ) output feedback 输出反馈控制 )output-feedback control输出反馈控制) output feedback H ∞ control 输出反馈H∞控制 ... www.dictall.com|基于 1 个网页 例句 释义: 全部,输出反馈控制 更多例句筛选...
New types of homogeneous and homogeneous-in-bilimit filtering observers and differentiators are proposed and applied for the global robust homogeneous asymptotic output-feedback stabilization of disturbed integrator chains. The type of convergence (finite-time, fixed-time to any ball or just asymptotic)...
Output-feedback ?2/?∞ control of a class of networked fault tolerant control systems This paper deals with static output feedback control of a class of discrete-time Networked Control Systems (NCSs) subject to random failures and random del... S Aberkane,JC Ponsart,D Sauter - 《Asian ...
The output-feedback stabilization control method is proposed for a class of uncertain nonholonomic systems involving time-varying delay. To facilitate the feedback design, by applying discontinuous input-state transformation and rescaling transformation, the original investigated model is transformed into a...
Theproblemofstaticoutputfeedbackrobustpassivecontrolfor a class ofgeneralizedintervalsystemsisdiscussed. 研究了广义区间系统的静态输出鲁棒无源控制问题。 www.dictall.com 3. The stabilizabilityproblemfordescriptorsystemsbystaticoutputfeedbackisstudied. 研究广义系统静态输出镇定的问题。
The output feedback l1 control problems of positive Markov jump systems(PMJSs) are studied using event-triggered method in this paper. Firstly, two novel dynamic output event-triggered control strategies(DOETCS) are proposed for continuous-time PMJSs as well as discrete-time PMJSs, which can re...
In addition, an extended state observer is designed to estimate the current and lumped disturbance simultaneously; then, the output-feedback SMC method is proposed by introducing the estimations. Besides, the switching gain in the proposed sliding mode controller can change with estimation errors ...
In this study, an output-feedback model predictive controller (MPC) is presented for capacitor voltage regulation on the basis of a non-linear DC/DC converter. The proposed output-feedback MPC scheme is constructed by combining a state-feedback MPC scheme with a Luenberger-type observer. The ...
This paper deals with the problem of output-feedback H∞ control for a class of active quarter-car suspension systems with control delay. The dynamic system of the suspension systems is first formed in terms of the control objectives, i.e., ride comfort, road holding, suspension deflection, ...