Data Sheet Ultra Stable, 16-Bit ±0.5 LSB INL, Voltage Output DAC AD5760 FEATURES True 16-bit voltage output DAC, ±0.5 LSB INL 8 nV/√Hz output noise spectral density 0.00625 LSB long-term linearity error stability ±0.018 ppm/°C gain error temperature coefficient 2.5 µs output ... DAC Noise Performance Typical noise performance for the DAC7568, DAC8168, and DAC8568 with the internal reference enabled is shown in Figure 66 to Figure 67. Output noise spectral density at the VOUT pin versus frequency is depicted in Figure 66 for full-scale, midscale, and ...
DAC Output Noise Spectral Density 0.001 Figure 42. DAC Output Noise: 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz 10 0.00075 5 0.0005 0 0.00025 -5 0 -10 -0.00025 -15 -0.0005 -20 -0.00075 -0.001 0 5E-7 1E-6 Time (s) 1.5E-6 VOUT -25 SCLK -30 2E-6 VREFPF = 10 V, VREFNF = 0 V, DAC at midcode,...
Noise Spectral Density 1M AD5663 5 0 –5 –10 –15 –20 –25 –30 –35 –40 10k VDD = 5V TA = 25°C 100k 1M FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 26. Multiplying Bandwidth 10M 3 VOUT A CLR VOUT B 4 2 CH3 5.0V CH2 1.0V CH4 1.0V M200ns A CH3 Figure 27. CLR Pulse Activation Time 1.10...
This noise is digital feedthrough. Output Noise Spectral Density This is a measurement of internally generated random noise. Random noise is characterized as a spectral density (voltage per √Hz). It is measured by loading all DACs to midscale and measuring noise at the output. It is ...
Output Voltage Noise Spectral Density for VOUT = 1.8 V, IOUT = 10 mA, COUT = 10 mF APPLICATIONS INFORMATION The NCP187 is the member of new family of high output current and low dropout regulators which delivers low quiescent and ground current consumption, good noise and power supply ...
vs Output Current Figure 3, Figure 4 VOUT Output Voltage vs Junction Temperature Figure 5, Figure 6 vs Time Figure 18 IGND Ground Current vs Junction Temperature Figure 7 PSRR Power-Supply Ripple Rejection vs Frequency Figure 8 Output Spectral Noise Density vs Frequency Figure 9 ZOUT Output Imp...
Digital Feedthrough 0.5 nV-s typ Effect of Input Bus Activity on DAC Output Under Test Output Noise Spectral Density @ 1 kHz 100 nV/(Hz)1/2typ All 1s Loaded to DAC Specifications subject to change without notice. Guaranteed by design, not subject to production test. REV. 0 –3– AD...
FREQUENCY 70 60 50 COUT = 10µF 40 30 COUT = 1µF 20 10 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (kHz) 1000 OUTPUT NOISE SPECTRAL DENSITY vs. FREQUENCY 10 COUT = 10µF IOUT = 50mA 1 OUTPUT NOISE f = 10Hz TO 100kHz COUT = 10µF IOUT = 50mA VOUT 500µV/div LINE-TRANSIENT...
The characteristic function method is employed to study the output spectral density and signal-to-noise ratio of a full-wave error function limiter. The input signal and noise are considered to be sample functions from independent Gaussian random processes. The results are obtained as a function ...